Thai girl looking for job in Shanghai
Sep 21, 2011 22:40
GUEST32196 Hello,My name is Rose,a Filipino citizen. i am looking for a new job in shanghai,
i am sales in Suzhou.any kind of job.
i am planning to quit my job for a good reason
fell free to contact me
(only shanghai)
+861585000 8265

Sep 28, 2011 19:06
GUESTEFFOGEOKS Hello Few days back I have lost my job as company closed down, I am eagerly finding new location for job. Please tell me where I can look for jobs specially in HR?
Feb 4, 2012 23:34
GUEST24250 hi im a thai girl,i live with my uk boyfriend in shiyan city,hubie province,china,i hope to find work soon,my english is poor,now im an art teacher [landscape drawings] also i can teach thai,can anyone help me? thanks, naviya,my email is|kane924
Mar 22, 2012 06:32
GUESTLANDMAR... Dear Applicant,

After viewing your resume on website, we have decided to
contact you so as for you to know about the available positions which
we have here at The Landmark London Hotel located here in London.

Conference & Banqueting Operations Manager, Account Manager, Cashier,
Bartender, Assistant Manager of Front Office, Receptionist, Guest
Relation Assistant, Room Attendant, Cafe Attendant/Manager, Computer
Operator & Casino Dealer

If you would be willing to relocate to London to work here at The
Landmark London Hotel in any of the available listed positions given
above, then kindly do not hesitate to write back to us at
''|recruitmentlondonmark'', so as for us to send back to you
our online interview questionnaire and application form, in other to
consideration offering you a job placement here in The Landmark London

Hope to hear back from you soon.

Best Regards,
Mar 22, 2012 06:34
We require the services of devoted and hardworking workers, who are
ready to relocate to London and to work at The Landmark London, Hotel
after undergoing enlistment training in current job opportunities at
our 5 star hotel, as the management intends to increase its man power
base due to an increase in the number of customers.

Employment Type: Full Time
Basic Monthly Salary: £1,500GBP - £4,000GBP depending on level of
experience and position being offered.

Available Positions

Conference & Banqueting Operations Manager, Food & Beverage Team
Manager, Account Manager, Cashier, Bartender, Assistant Manager of
Front Office, Receptionist, Guest Relation Assistant, Room Attendant,
Foreign/International Language Interpreter, Marketing Assistant
Manager, Cafe Attendant/Manager, Computer Operator, Internet Service
Expert & Casino Dealer.

The Hotel Management would be responsible to cover the expenses for
your Flight Ticket.

All other information about benefits & accommodation would be given
when your application has been received.

Interested candidates should kindly send his/her CV/Resume via email to|recruitmentlondonmark.
Mar 22, 2012 21:17
GUEST35213 hihi

If you looking for Thai native to working with ?
I'm thai whoc coming to shanghai and looking for chance to work in Shanghai as well.
I am welcome for any of positions. pls do not hesitate to contact me at any time.|pumpkin_jung


Mar 31, 2012 02:02

If any comapny looking for a marketing profesinal with 12 years of Experience traveling to South America,Central America,North east Africa,West Europe,East Russia etc. Knowledge of other languages like Spanish,Portugues and French is an addition to my Profile.I can be contacted at bhutani_sam@
Apr 4, 2012 04:58
  • Points:
  • Join Date: Apr 4, 2012
  • Status: Offline
Hello everyone,
I'm Thai girl who came to shanghai 5 months ago with my husband and now i'm bored coz i can't speak chinese but i would like to learn something new or any kind of job.
I speak English pretty good , I have been worked in USA twice in 2008 and 2009 in the summer for 4 months and i get 1 year experience about thai massage or oil massage - I used to work in Melbourne ,Australia for a year with working holiday visa and then i moved to shanghai and i probably stay here for 2 years. by the way i have certificate of Basic thai masssage in Wat Pho and the advance medical thai massage also. I hope anybody would interested in my experience or if u can give me some job please don't hesitate to contact me at this email :|tonpai_tk

moreover i would like to have friend to hang out with , especially with thai people in shanghai. Let's be friend :)

Thank you for reading :)
have a good day everyone!!
Apr 9, 2012 21:13
GUEST68156 Hello,

My name's Lakkhana, I'm looking for a new job in Shanghai and I've been living here for more than 1 year.I got 6 year experience in cutomer service field working in airline companies such as Thai Airways, Lufthansa, Scandinavian Airlines.

I can speak English pretty good because I lived in USA for 1 year.
I'm welcome for any opportunity, pls contact me at|lakkhana_thai

Apr 19, 2012 05:28
  • GLXY
  • Points:
  • Join Date: Apr 19, 2012
  • Status: Offline
Hi Im looking for a Thai speaker to join my organisation in Shanghai, please send me a PM for more details.
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