Will you marry your fiancee if she was disfigured?
Jul 15, 2008 04:04
  • LEOPOLD219
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A 24-year-old British soldier who was disfigured in an operation in Afghanistan two years ago, married her beautiful fiancee on July 13. The wedding was honored as " The Noblest and the Most Beautiful Wedding of the Year".

The handsome guy got seriously burnt and disfigured in an attack.Michelle, his loyal girlfriend had taken good care of him after he was disfigured. She never intended to abandon her disfigure boyfriend. That's true love! Countless girls would have run away if their boyfriends were disfigured. Will you marry him/her if he/she is disfigured?

Jul 17, 2008 16:58
  • JCNILE123
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(((Will you marry your fiancee if she was disfigured?)))

Will you? Mr Leopold...
Jul 17, 2008 20:36
  • LEOPOLD219
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Once I was in love with her, I would love her forever no matter how she looks. Love should not built only on beauty. Responsibility is an important factor in love.

Jul 17, 2008 21:53
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love is conscience and responsibility. physical beauty will fade away as time passes. Love is sort of eternity or god.
Jul 17, 2008 21:59
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She's known the guy before the incident, therefore she knows that he is a good guy irrespective of his appearance now.
Jul 17, 2008 23:12
  • JCNILE123
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II think the issue most be deal with, on a one to one basis,

I think many of you can be selfish if you expect your g/b/f to marry you after a fatally serious physical/mental marring.

Selfish you can be if you are turning in to a breading deformity, good for nothing individual and want her/him to marry you.

If single, after a serious accident I will refuse to marry my g/f; accepting her to marry me, it is equal to destroy her and condemn her to a terrible life caring for me; I think that it is too much to ask from her; because I love her, I will release her.

This Hero does not fit the category of the physical marring I refer.
Jul 18, 2008 02:34
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If someone loves you then they love you for being you, if for some bad event happening your appearance changes it is not being selfish expecting them to still marry you.
Chances are if its true love they wont even see the disability or disfigurement because it wont matter.

Just consider how you would feel if something bad happened to you, your looks have been marred and you're feeling low. Then your partner says they dont want you because you look different. A real kick in the teeth.
Jul 18, 2008 15:30
  • JCNILE123
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(((if for some bad event happening your appearance changes it is not being selfish expecting them to still marry you.)))

I think I have been misunderstood, I give it another turn, here I go; per say I Jcn, have a terrible accident, so terrible that you do not know if I am ground beef or Jcn.

However, I am alive and kicking but well for nothing, assume I have a lady I'm supposed to marry just one week away from the terrible accident.

What I said is that I Jcn will refuse to marry her; How can I sacrifice her future life?

Because I love her, I will ask her to go and have a real life, and not the cavalry I can only offer her AFTER the accident.

I will cherish her love in my heart!
Jul 18, 2008 23:35
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spiritual binding is not that fragile and much more reliable...
Jul 19, 2008 00:03
  • JCNILE123
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Marrie, I can read what you just wrote, but I just do not understand it!
Jul 19, 2008 14:54
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But Jcn isnt it the choice of the woman? you would cherish her love and let her go but what if she wants to stay and help look after you.
Surely she should be allowed to make up her mind.
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