how can i chase KIWI girl
Jul 17, 2008 00:49
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i met a girls in nz from working place on DEC last year. Feb 2008, we went to movie together and played pool. when we went out at second time. we huged together and kissed.took off our T-shit without make love. i told to be my girlfriend. she said:"you donot know me." i said :we can talk more things . after that, she sent me message : im very sorry i feel really bad about what happened between us the other night i am going away soon i cant see you outside of work anymore sorry at least we didnt in all the way. " March, she went to canada to see her exboyfriend. they live together for 5 years. i decide to wait. April, she backed to NZ. we are still friends.she said she doesnot want a boyfriend as she will go to accounting course on july. she is very sorry for everything. i felt very upset. sometimes we went movies just as friends.
two weeks ago, CHCH has snow-storm, i waited outside of working place , because she biked form home to working place. she told me her parent will pick her up. later i moved her bike to her parent's car. last thursday,she invited me had dinner in her house and say thanks to me. i talk my family studying life with her parent. i give her a cusion, because her hands are always cold. unluckly, she sent message:i cant see you outside of work any more because i can only be your friend and i know you want more than that i feel really bad whenyou buy me things you cant afford it. " last night, i phoned her,
i said: are you still waitng your exboyfriend
she: at moment he is in canada.
i : if he comes back
she : maybe
i : you feel you own me
she: yes
i : this is expensive, i just want you feel happy
she: i do not like.
i : you can buy a cup of cafe. deal?
she : no i do not want it
i: i do not know , why i always do wrong things
she : do not worry. take care
thats a bad conversation. i am fall in love her. now i really someone help me. she is so self-supporting girl. she works 6 day a week, total 55 hr .
we still has trouble with language culture. luckly, she is learning chinese now.
helpe me pls. i am in bad mood.
Jul 17, 2008 16:42
  • JCNILE123
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Welcome to the west, if you are smart you can learn a great lesson out of it.
She is a typical western girl, I don't think she wanted to hurt you or play games with you; but I think she like's you very much.
Provably she love you, maybe not!, one thing that is for sure, is that, she is still (IN) love with the guy in Canada.
In western English loving some one do not means been in love with the some one.
A western woman can love many people at the time, but most of the time will be in love with just one, (the only one).

Now I think she like you very much, other wise she have not done what she did, but you want it toooooooooooooooooo fast.
So, she don't want to hurt you because she is not ready to fall in love again, because, she is in love with Mr Canada, if you are smart you most wait; but no guarantees that she is going to give up the other fellow.

It is a flip, 50-50.

I f the opportunity still there; all she want is a close friendship, (by now) but I also think she is on her way out, (away from you) because you want a girl friend and she knows it.

Jul 17, 2008 17:56
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yes, you are right. i think she wants away from me . she is still waiting the guy. i should wait wait and wait as i improve my english. maybe, miracle will happen tomorrow. sounds like kongfu panda, yesterday is history tomorrow is mistry today is gift. enjoy the gift and expect tomorrow.
i should give more time and space as i am ready to wait until next year on june unless she tell me *** off. hehe
a AUS girl told me:
She just isn't comfortable around you yet.
Give her plenty of time and space but also start playing hard to get... so keep busy and talk to lots of other girls too - in front of her. THIS may take a while, but if you really love her then be prepared to wait... She will either find interest in you or run away. If she runs away, don't be too ashamed, there are plenty more women out there for you. You can only hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Good luck. And REMEMBER: PLAY HARD TO GET. TRUST ME!!!

we do not konw her, so chance is 50-50 slow down and show her what i am smart.
thanx , appreciate
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