A true story part #3
Aug 1, 2008 00:09
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A group of British soldiers are captured at Dunkirk and sent off to a prison camp.
They continually try to escape and are recaptured.
Finally the camp commandant gets sick of this and has them marched down to the beach where he has the prison guards bury them up to their necks in the sand just below the high tide mark.
He then climbs to the top of the cliff to watch as the tide slowly rolls in (dirty rotten scoundrel)
At the top, he can see the soldier’s heads move from side to side with their mouths opening and closing as one.
He sends his offsider down to the beach to find out what the hell is going on.
He returned breathless.
Vell, vot did zay sa?
Za are singing mine Commindant.
Vot are za singing dumbkof.

O I do like to be beside the sea side, O I do like to be beside the sea…..

PS, sorry about the really bad accent

Aug 1, 2008 09:14
I thought the bad accent added to the joke Dodger, so I think we can let you off.
I'll give that a 7/10
Aug 1, 2008 10:15
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It does sound better after a couple of beers.
Cheers, Dodger.
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