Little boys and girls share one toilet???
Apr 15, 2014 01:16
GUEST28119 I don't think they should because if the boy is peeing in the urinal and some girls walk in he will not feel comfortable peeing in front of them
Apr 15, 2014 22:36
  • GRIZ326
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I'm sorry. Cherry, I never spotted your question.

So 6 years after the fact, there are separate toilets for boys and girls from kindergarden up. Mothers and fathers may escort their children of the opposite sex into their toilet when they are very small, but that ends when the kids can take care of their toilet duties themselves.

I don't see any real harm in very young children using the same toilet - so long as no one makes a big deal of it.
May 14, 2014 14:59
GUEST28129 There nothing wrong with children share a restroom together. It just going to the bathroom. Nothing else. So what if girls see a boy at a urinal. If girls can do it they can also use it. So what. Does not matter if boys see a girl peeing on the toilet. Those adult who have some much a sexual mind about everything please get some help. I also referring to you women also. I am a female. At home my family is very open. We do not have issues of bodies being naked. Peeing in front of each other. Please get some help. There is hope for you.
Aug 18, 2015 17:29
GUEST17854 I think that they should be able to for education purposes .because they ask about it anyway why not teach them where it can be show and tell like supervised type so they learn without doing it somewhere unsupervised and then keep doing it untill they get old enough for other thig i say let them learn so they do not learn a bad way later in life
Jan 13, 2017 16:02
GUEST64112 The girls and boy should share the same toilet
Feb 26, 2017 23:44
GUEST80134 Share toilet between boy and girl is great so do man and woman.
Apr 30, 2017 04:55
GUEST35172 But what if when they get older and they remember the problem
May 7, 2017 00:19
GUEST52101 When I was in preschool, way back in the day, in the United States, there were three child sized toilets in a row with nothing between them. There was no rule about boys and girls being separated, every kid just went potty when they had to go. I'm a guy, and the first time I saw a girl my age going pee in one of the potties, the only thing I thought of was
'she goes peepee just like mommy' AND
'it makes sense because mommy is a girl too'
That's it. There was nothing shameful about us doing our business, everyone went at some point, and boys and girls didn't really "check each other out" much. The boys would sometimes compare their penises amongst themselves, especially the ones whose peep looked different (circumcised vs. uncircumcised), but that was it. There was nothing inappropriate happening between the boys and the girls. Modesty in some countries has developed into shaming hildren about their bodies.
Dec 19, 2018 08:15
GUEST10694 I don't care if boys and girls men and women use the same bathroom together as long as there is no sex or violence in the restrooms I don't care I am tired of waiting to use the restrooms thay need to built larger I hate small restrooms why should people get into trouble for using the wrong restrooms you gotta go ya gotta go I wish we had more large unisex restrooms every where I don't want to mess up my pants
Apr 4, 2019 10:04
GUEST18973 When I did I was DEFINITELY Checking the girls out and we "played" together too. Fun!!!
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