Two nameless heroines of Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony!
Aug 14, 2008 19:04
GUEST76196 I agree with the poster that said that "doubles" and lip synching is done all the time in the moview. Any American remember the movie version of "My Fair Lady"? That wasn't Audrey Hepburn's voice, just her beautiful face. As for lip synching, it was noted that Pavrotti did it in the 2006 Winter Olympics. I believe anyone in the entertainment business and advertising business will tell you that such switches happen more often than you think.

As for the fireworks (footsteps to the stadium) being "faked" again why the hubbub? I never thougth they were real as it didn't make sense given that no one in the stadium could see them. But I still thought the idea very cool. What an original idea to show an athlete walking to the stadium. Why can't everyone just enjoy the show without looking for something to protest.
Aug 14, 2008 20:26
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My taste is Yang Peiyi looks more lovely and talented than Lin Miaoke, the latter most probably has background as backup...
Aug 28, 2008 20:20
GUEST92910 May God save Liu Yan's soul. May God comfort Liu Yan and her family.

For God so loved the world, and he gave his only begotten Son (Jesus Christ) to them so that all who believe in him will never perish but have an everlasting life.
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