English Mania in Beijing China
Aug 14, 2008 04:25
  • BLUESKY001
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Why do Chinese people suffer from “English Mania”? As the Olympic Games is catching on, foreigners flock into Beijing. Beijingers are doing their best to learn and practice English. Since Beijing’s success of bidding for the Games, Beijingers become crazy about English. In the past 6 years, the number of Beijingers who can speak English has increased from 3millions to 5 millions, accouting for 35% of Beijing residents. Some experts forecast that English Craze will go downhill. Will more foreigners become interested in Chinese language and culture after Olympics?

A 94-year-old volunteer teaches English in a park in Beijing

Aug 14, 2008 21:27
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Language is only a tool for communication! That's it. I doubt if the craze for learning English will go downhill after Olympics. Perhaps, more Chinese will have more passion for learning English.
Aug 18, 2008 10:41
  • REMAG1234
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When was the last time you were in Beijing? You quote 5 million speak English, I doubt that unless you call saying Hello speaking English. Learning English is as hard for a Chinese person as it's for a Westerner trying to learn Chinese. With a reason/purpose there is no need for one to learn a foreign language. I'm married to a Chinese woman and visit Beijing on a regular basis, and I have no desire to learn Chinese. My wife did learn to speak English after we were married in America. Her preference is to speak Chinese as it easier for her. I hope this answers any question you may have.
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