How do you define 'patriots' and 'traitors'?
Aug 19, 2008 04:18
guest1686 Chinese athletes received nation-wide acclaim for their superb performance in the Olympic events. Chinese netizens showed their admiration to the Chinese gold medalists. Some popular sayings are” Zhang Xiangxiang ( Olympic champion of weight-lifting) is the right one that evey woman should marry.” “Liu Zige ( gold medalist of 200m butterfly swimming), I want to marry you.” Displaying affection to the Olympic champions is a popular way of recogonizing the athletes’ achievement. Some sociologists said that displaying affection to Olympic champions is a manifestation of patriotism. Others questioned if displaying affection to Olympic champions equals patriotism. How about those who do not show their affection to Olympic champions? They are not patriotic? How about those who display their affection to foreign athletes? Are they quislings? Some netizens just condemned the former volleyball player Lang Ping as traitor because she coached the USA Women’s Volleyball Team and defeated Chinese women’s volleyball team on Friday’s night. Lang Ping was national icon in 1980s and 1990s China. She was the leader of Chinese Women’s Vollyball team in 1980s when the team won five consecutive champion’s titles in the world. Patriotism seems to have been misunderstood and narrowed. How do you define “ patriots” and “ traitors”?
Aug 19, 2008 19:57
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Since when did asking a gold medalist to marry you a sign of patriotism? Help me out here.
Aug 19, 2008 20:44
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Fanatic fans did the crazy thing. I can't understand why the 'sociologists' are so irrational. Whew! They might be fanatic fans of some gold medalist.

Despite that Lang Ping is coaching USA volleyball team, she said that she still hopes Chinese Women Volleyball team will win the gold medal during the Olympic Women Vollyball event when she was interviewed by Chinese media. Certainly, as the coach of USA volleyball team, she will try her best to coach the team and sticks to "fair play". We should not blame her as unpatriotic just because she coaches a foreign team to fight against her motherland in volleyball courts. She is still patriotic since she is demonstrating that how brilliant Chinese volleyball players (coach) are.(She is an excellent volleyball player herself).
Aug 19, 2008 21:51
  • JCNILE123
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How do you define 'patriots' and 'traitors'?

Originally, a patriot was him/her who loves their country and supports it, but will not blindly follow whatever their country's does. These days, it is synonymous with Nationalist, which is someone who blindly follows whatever his country does, and lacks his own ability to think and reason for himself.
Many Chinese seem to be patriots. More of them are nationalists.


Treason against the country shall consist only in levying War against the country it self, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
(Is the other team an enemy?)
Many empty heads in China claims on a regular basis that, anyone who disagrees with them is a traitor.
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