Two popular Chinese words during Beijing Olympics!
Sep 1, 2008 04:26
  • ZOEY
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Here are two popular Chinese words: 加油 (Jia 1 You 2) and 谢亚龙下课 (Xie 4 Ya 3 Long 2 Xia 4 Ke 4 ). During the football matches, these two words were shouted by thousands of Chinese soccer fans.

No.1 Jia You means " Come on" in English. Even foreigners have learned this new word. In th stadium, they shout "Jia You" together with Chinese soccer fans.

No.2 Xie Ya Long Xia Ke (Xie Ya Long sounds strange to most foreigners. But if you watched the Olympic football match between Brazil and Argentina, you will fully understand it. During that match, Brazil was beaten by Argentina 3 to 0 and two Brazilian footballers got their red cards and were sent off the football pitch. Maybe, this reminds Chinese soccer fans of China's men's Olympic team. They once were defeated by Brazil 3 to 0. Also, two football players were sent off the football field.

Who is Xie Yalong? He is the president of China's Football Association. To some extent, he should be responsible for China football's failure. After the Olympics, he has been condemned by most Chinese soccer fans. Many fans strongly suggest that he should be fired. Now you know why they say this in the stadium.

Now XieYaLongXiaKe has become a pop word. Somebody even used it to register for a website ( On that website, Chinese soccer fans show their dissatisfaction to China's football and the leader of China's Football Association, Xie Yalong.

A rumour says that even Messi has learned to say XieYaLongXiaKe. In the interview made by Barca, Messi said that he learned how to say "Argentina, Come on" in Chinese. However, when the reporter asked him to say "Jia You, Argentina", he surpirsed the reporter and said:"XieYaLongXiaKe".

Even some medias have suggested that "XieYaLongXiaKe" should be included by Global Language Monitor.
Sep 1, 2008 08:06
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another word is SB
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