Why do men prefer white girls to brunette girls?
Sep 2, 2008 01:34
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Have your noticed that most men prefer girls with fair complexion to those brunette girls? Women have an oppositie preference. Do men and women have natural color preferences? Men with brunette skin are considered to be more reliable and trustworthy than the counterparts with pale-white skin. “Men with white “baby face” give women the impression that they are not trustyworthy and are more likely to have affairs with other women. The reasons why men have preferences for girls with fair skin seems to be hard to be justified. What is your opinion? Do you have such preferences?
Sep 2, 2008 08:51
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I do not think so!

This might be true for some people but try not to generalise this.

The Color of the people are not related to their Character logically.

M. R. Jeddi

Sep 2, 2008 21:41
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There is a saying. Beauty is only skin-deep. Does skin color matter?
Sep 2, 2008 22:12
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Sunnydream - where do you get this rubbish from? For starters the word "brunette" usually refers to hair colour. Pale skin in the west is generally seen as very unattractive, which is why people go to tanning studios and spray brown gunk all over themselves. Dark skin is seen as a sign of wealth, because (ridiculously) it shows that the person has been able to lie in the sun on a beach somewhere.This came about when the media started to glamourise fame, and showed film and music stars constantly tanned, and everybody foolishly wanted to follow. Now we are told of the dangers of skin cancer, so things are on the turn. However, go to any European, or North American beach and you will still see a parade of vain people lying in the sun because they think it will make them look better.

In Asia it is the opposite. To have dark skin shows you are a poor labourer who has to work outside rather than in a nice air conditioned office. Women spend lots of money on skin whitening creams, and shield themselves from the sun with umbrellas. It is the total opposite.

So to draw the conclusions you have done shows naivety. Personally I don't think one is more attractive than the other. Some people suit lighter skin, whilst other suit darker skin.

I agree that beauty is only skin deep, but at the end of the day, if a human is given the choice of an identical package, but one is more beautiful, then we all know which one will be chosen.

Sep 3, 2008 04:25
GUEST6578 BARONTWA... hit the nail. In China, people who have dark skin often belong to working poor labourers and migrant farmers. Western rich people deliberately tanned their skin.
Sep 3, 2008 20:32
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The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. We want something that we don't have. Heh.
Sep 4, 2008 01:04
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Just what is Brunette Skin??
Sep 4, 2008 03:10
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Blueyank - I was about to say the same thing, as I have never heard of the word being used to describe skin tone. However, if you look it up in the dictionary, it will confirm that it can be used to describe skin. Surprised me too.
Sep 4, 2008 03:44
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'Sunnydream - where do you get this rubbish from? For starters the word "brunette" usually refers to hair colour."

BARONTWANGLE, I don't pick it from your dustbin. It's a common sense in Asian countries. Don't you ever hear about a bunch of men talking about women. A majority of them have such color preference.
Sep 4, 2008 19:46
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Sunnydream - I am a man and I often talk to other men. I can't ever recall having a conversation about our preference of women's skin tone. So I think your suggestion that a "majority" have this preference is rubbish.

Also, I was informing you that it is not common to use the word "brunette" to describe skin tone.
Sep 4, 2008 20:11
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Brunette is usually used to describe someone with brownish hair. If referring to skin tone, it's usually referred to as tanned or brown skin. Some people use olive colored skin.

Unless the mentality has changed over the years, I think Sunnydream is talking about Asian men's preference for women with fair or light skin tone. There is a sort of saying in Korea that of the two girls, the one with the lightest skin tone is the most beautiful. One would notice that most, if not all Asian models and actresses have light skin tone. Of course, in this day and age, this preference is basically BS. Just that some men haven't moved on yet.
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