Vladimir Putin 'shoots' tiger warning EU
Sep 2, 2008 02:50
It could be only a gossip, if Vladimir Putin shoots a tiger on a normal day. In the aftermath of the South Ossetia Crisis, the western countries are like sitting on pins and needles. Oh, maybe, it only the media that are keen on associating irrelevant things together.

Look, the British Times Online says that macho Putin shooting a tiger was to be dismissive of European leaders.

'Vladimir Putin was dismissive of European leaders today who suggested that concrete action would be taken against Russia after its military action in Georgia – including suspension from the G8. "

"The Russian Prime Minister – shown in new macho-style pictures apparently tranquilising a tiger – said that any attempts at severing relations would be hampered by the self-interest of European nations. "

The triangular ties between Russia, EU and USA were subtle in the past. European countries were meeting to discuss if they should impose sanction on Russia. Do you think if EU will put sanctions on Russia. Will they expel Russia from G8?

Sep 2, 2008 02:52
Macho Vladmir Putin goes fishing

Sep 3, 2008 04:01
GUEST6980 EU countries rely on Russian's oil and gas supply. They dare not impose sanction on Russia. Russia is not Iraq or Iran, but a big power.
Sep 3, 2008 20:42
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Ohhh... tough.... photo op for tough macho guy better-not-mess-with-me pose.

Now, I am soooo scared.... o_o
Sep 4, 2008 04:37
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"better-not-mess-with-me pose"

What's pose like? Putin's pose in the second picture?

What does "Macho" mean? Topless men?
Sep 4, 2008 10:08
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Bush on the aircraft carrier declaring victory in Iraq.
Our Congress people making numerous trips to Iraq with their "butts" in the supposed Green Zone.
Putin doing the "macho" thing.
All.... mind numbing and "dumbing down" photo-ops for human consumption and for political gain or whatever else is on the agenda for that country or for the world.
Sep 4, 2008 22:27
  • JOHNNY512
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Putin's shooting is for show. A photographer's life is in danger. Putiin has the time to pose for photographing. Putin wanna tell the European countries: I am macho and Russia is macho. Don' t ever make light of Russia!
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