Where did pizza originate?
Oct 27, 2016 02:11
GUESTEMMA BROWN Yeah, Pizza gets originated from china. But firstly made in Italy. I don't know that story is true or not? But one thing that makes sense is that Chinese have a lot of vegetables on their menus. And Pizza also has a lot of vegetables on its topping. So maybe it gets originated from china.
Dec 23, 2016 22:08
GUEST13775 Rude!!!! Just because you think Americans are so-called "Idiots," does NOT give you the right to call them that on the internet! How would you like it if someone called YOU an idiot?
Jan 27, 2017 20:57
GUEST49199 i love to eat pizzaa
Jan 29, 2017 23:26
GUEST52878 Nice to be reading all of the above helpful story on pizza. "Chill" on some nega-comments and people should be more patient and courteous here for it truly reflects who they are as a person. After all , this just a topic on pizza,LOL. Nothing beats a super thin and crispy dough on a slice of pizza! with everything on it , don't forget that alfalfagreens! Cherry of Cebu,Philippines !!!|aimproservices2014
Mar 29, 2017 21:13
GUEST66266 90% grease? Well, maybe if you want to make a grease pizza and you add 90% grease to the recipe but otherwise it's as lacking in grease as you want to make it. We used to make the dough with oil in a pizza place I worked in but there wasn't a disproportionately large amount compared to the other ingredients and since there was no oil in any of the rest of the pizza I can't imagine where 90% comes from, unless someone deliberately dumped 2 pounds of lard onto it just to annoy you (possible).
May 7, 2017 02:43
GUESTMAHAM listen pizza is made by thomas edison i know you all will thonk that this is wrong but i have learn aboutnin every piźza restaurant i go i see on the cards and paper thet pizza is a invention of thomas edison and i dont know really much about it bealcause i live in pakistan
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