Moving or not moving to Sanya?
Sep 19, 2008 16:13
guest91164 Hello everyone!
My husband and I are considering a relocation in Sanya (he got a job offer). Really excited about it at first because we always wanted to have a living experience in China, but after reading all your posts, I'm quite worried.
1. We have a 3 years old toddler and apparently there are no international preschools.
I searched myself all websites and couldn't find anything about schools in Sanya. If anyone has some info, please let us know!
2. Both of us are French with the difference that he is white and I am Chinese. From your posts, it seems that mixed couples are poorly thought of! That scares me a bit, just thinking that I will be judged even though we've been together for 14years. (We are 35 years old, still young I guess)
3. I'm Chinese but don't speak a word! (4th generation). Another reason to be crucified?
Thank you all in advance for your replies!
Sep 23, 2008 04:05
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I would not expect international preschools in Sanya as it is quite a small city. Anything international might well be Russian, anyway! Why not send your ankle biter to a good Chinese kindie, then he can learn some Chinese too.

I do not think you will find being a mixed race couple a problem, but if you look Chinese and don't speak or write Chinese you might find a little impatience.

N'ayez pas peux, les Chinois sont gentil. Allez a Sanya, et je crois que tous serrez bien. Bon chance.
Sep 23, 2008 14:16
GUESTGUEST91164 Merci beaucoup Apault! I knew you would be the one replying to my thread and it's really kind of you.
I enjoy reading all your posts, you seem so willing to advise, to help and most of the people would agree with me: you are very helpful!
Merci encore et bonne continuite!
Sep 23, 2008 23:50
  • JCNILE123
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I think Paul's advice is accurate as it can be.

However I can add only that my wife is Chinese from main land I am from a mix home my mother Caucasian my father Native American.
We never experience a discriminatory act ever in China, a lot of curiosity from the average Chinese people, yes. However, it was a welcoming curiosity, that's all.

Sanya it is a tropical and enjoyable place to be.
It is paradise, if you like the beach and think like a westerner about the sun.

A good number of the foreigners in Sanya are Russians, if you don't care.
Oct 2, 2008 23:01
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Of all the places in China to begin your expereince, Sanya would have to be one of the best.
Paul is correct. Find a good Chinese kindy for your child. He will learn Mandarin fast and help you to learn too.

You will find that there are lots of expats, mostly Russian but many more from other European countries like Belgium, France and Italy. Just drop into the many Western Style Restaurants until you unearth a group you can make friends with and help you settle in.

You will love the place the local Chinese are very friendly and you'll also find many are not from Hainan either.
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