Cost of Living in China
Nov 18, 2008 14:53
guest07219 Hi Friends,

I am from India and looking for a job in china.
I like to about the cost of living and other details about china.

Can you please provide the following details:
Avg Cost of living :
House Rent(1 or 2 Bed Room) :
Water bills :
electricity bills :
phone bills:
Monthly travel expenses (if i am travelling around 20 KM per day) :
Food :
Others :

Total average Cost :

How about the language.
I know English language. Can I manage in china with English language?

Please help me friends.

Nov 19, 2008 01:10
GUESTWHAT It's like going to England without knowing how to speak the English language. So how are you going to work with the Chinese who speak mostly mandarin? Teach English if you have the relevant qualification; if not no can do.
Nov 19, 2008 01:20
GUEST07219 Okay.... language is fine....
What about the expenses and what is the average salary in china?
Nov 19, 2008 06:33
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You cannot get a visa unless you have a search for jobs on the Net and you will get some idea of salaries. You would not want to work for local salaries only expat it depends on your qualifications and skills etc. Rents can be as low as 700 rmb a month in small cities, but maybe 3000 rmb a month in Shanghai. Local travel by bus is very cheap, food is quite cheap, utilitities relatively expensive compared with other prices. How much for each of these depends on lifestyle... aircon is a big expense for most foreigners, food can be almost nothing to quite expensive...and so on.
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