What is the root cause of Somali Pirates’ rampancy?
Nov 21, 2008 20:24
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An Indian warship sank a suspected pirate "mother ship" in the the Gulf of Aden on Wednesday. UN Security Councile decides to put financial against the terrorists linked with the Somali terrorists. In the recent years, more violence happened in the lawless seas around Somali. The pirates are becoming bolder and more violent. The world finds it hard to control the rampant Somali piracies? Why is it hard to combat pirates? What are the root causes of Somali Pirates’ rampancy?

(Pirates who hijacked the Saudi-owned crude oil supertanker "Sirius Star" off the east coast of Africa are taking the vessel towards a Somali port, the U.S. Navy said on Nov. 17, 2008. )

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