Remember the crystal clear water in Hero
Nov 24, 2008 08:56
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Remember the crystal clear water in Hero, nominated for best foreign film at the Oscars last year? Much of the filming took place at Jiuzhaigou Valley, a place recognized in the Chinese mind as Heaven on earth, a gift bestowed by nature in Sichuan, one of China's western provinces. You can book a China Hotel through web and come here to take a look.

Jiuzhaigou Valley, eulogized as a world of magical fairytale, has for years enchanted tourists with its mountains and luxuriant forests, colorful lakes, gushing waterfalls and abundant wildlife. In 1992 it was put on the World Heritage List by UNESCO.

It is said that the Jiuzhaigou Valley( Jiuzhai means nine villages)was named after the nine villages contained in the vast nature reserve. Lots of rare species inhabit the area including Pandas and Golden monkeys. The three main gullies-Shuzheng, Rize and Zechawa form a Y shape, with 108 mysterious lakes scattered around and a plethora of connecting waterfalls and brooks.

Legend has it that long long ago, a beautiful Goddess received a mirror from her lover. The goddess was so excited that she dropped the mirror, smashing it into 108 small pieces. Over the centuries those pieces gave birth to 108 wonderful lakes.

Jiuzhaigou's spirit is its pure, crystal clear water.

Five-Coloured Lake

There is a fairy tale in ancient China that the princess of heaven has a five-colored lake called Yaochi in her palace.

Five Flower Sea

Rize Gully Five Flower Sea is even more magnificent. Surrounded by mountains, the sea looks like a huge calabash infusing colorful water continuously into the foot of the mountain.

The Changhai Sea

A large lake located at an altitude of 3000 meters, Changhai, ‘the King of the Lakes' is surrounded by snow year round. In spring and autumn, the lake reflects the mountain snow or the maple trees. In winter the lake freezes into a spectacle of icy beauty.


Waterfalls make attractive views. Jiuzhaigou Valley is a paradise surrounded by mountains, with tranquil lakes like pearls.

Pear Shoal Waterfall is one of Jiuzhaigou's most mysterious waterfall. It takes its name from the water that thunders into the stones below forming pearl-like waterdrops.

Colorful Forest

Colorful Forest is something you can't miss. With more than 2000 different plants, beautiful flowers, lovely grass and numerous rare species the forest is unique in China and is the stuff fairytales are made of.
Nov 25, 2008 00:35
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My wife took me for a tour there in 2004. It is indeed one of the most beatiful places I have ever been. I my younger days I did some high Sierra back packing and Jiuzhaigou Valley is as beautiful as any place I have hiked.
Truly amazing.
Dec 13, 2008 09:31
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Jiuzhaigou truly is a magnificent gem

but lets get the facts straight

<large lake located at an altitude of 3000 meters, Changhai, ‘the King of the Lakes' is surrounded by snow year round>

I was there in June 2004 and it was not surrounded by snow. Yes the mountains peaks still had a little but this was not a dominating feature of the landscape at that time of the year.
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