Do you often use MSG?
Dec 11, 2008 13:10
So be careful Alan, or you'll end up becoming a rich man -- with gold stents in your heart.

Thank you Wan, my problem turned out to be muscle spasm's the trap the arteries giving the effect of a heart attack, now that I have reduced my weight to it's lowest for 20 years I plan to keep going and hopefully aviod any further attacks, it's tooooooooo scary! he he
Dec 12, 2008 20:11
  • CHERRY07
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One thing for sure it causes hair loss, and bad for people with hypertension, because it is salt that doesn't taste salty.

Sounds horrible! No wonder I usually hear people in the restaurant tell the waiter that they don't want any MSG in their dishes. Thanks for telling me this.

Alan, take care of yourself.
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