Israel: Go window-shopping with a gun
Dec 20, 2012 04:14
GUEST24212 Israel is a unique country, like no other.

politically, it's in a tough position: a country of about 7.5 million people, surrounded by a few dozen Arab countries vowing to destroy it. The world seem to accept this face, but gang on Israel when it defends itself.

Can you show me another country in this world which is attacked by hundreds of rockets and missiles EVERYDAY and tolerate it? no, of course you can't. Yet Israel is expected to sit still and not respond.

Maybe you did not know it, but Israel has had a significant effect on the world of modern inventions, common things people use all over the world on a daily basis were invented in Israel. Pick any field...medicine, computers, science, literature, agriculture, any field you can think of...Israel is in it in a decisive way.

On the other hand, can you show me any contribution to the world that started in an Arab country?
Struggling? why am I not surprised?

Young people carring weapons in Israel is common, considering the political turmoil of the region.
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