Is Shenzhen a safe place to travel alone?
Feb 14, 2009 11:35
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Is Shenzhen a safe place to travel? I will be going to Shenzhen in March and I've read very bad reviews of the place online. YouTube has videos of pickpockets in action and thieves getting beaten like I've never seen before! Someone even said that the crime rate is very high in Shenzhen.

This whole thing is really confusing me. I will be travelling alone and this really scares me as i will need to go to the crowded places like Segem electronics market and the likes.

Anyone can shed some light on this issue or offer some safety measures that I need to take. Thanks.
Feb 14, 2009 20:57
GUEST64630 Stay away from parks and non public areas after dark.Behave like you would in any big city..act like you know what you're doing and know where you are going...don't act like a lost tourist.China is "the land of opportunity", give a thief the opportunity and he will take it!
My wife was robbed at Shenzen airport by thieves who threatened her with a knife they were operating out of Hong Kong (makes it more difficult to prosecute if they get arrested).But this was at 2 0clock in the morning during a I said.."opportunity"...use common sense.Only carry cash in your handbag..keep credit/bankcards emergency cash in another location on your body (shoe/socks/underwear).Don't be a hero..give your bag if they ask for it..or throw it at them and run! don't expect help from bystanders as they will be more afraid than you are! You didn't say if you are a male/female...if you are a female you are more of a target than a man would be...but using the advice I have given you should have a no problems.Shenzen is a great city..good bars..good restaurants and excellent shopping for finding foreign cheese!
I have been to Shenzen many times as well as other cities in China and have never had any problems.Remember listen to your "little voice" inside you...if something/someplace/someone doesn't feel right get out there as quckly and calmly as possible....enjoy your trip!
Mar 24, 2009 23:27
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Is it true,

There do have pickpockets here, Especial in Segem market? Never mind, theie skills is not that great. And many police man around. Absolutely safe. I live near there, If you need, call me for help. i am an young man, just graduated from college. honest and kind. Email me :|lianglish
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