Should we have "key schools"?
Mar 10, 2009 22:06
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Oh I get it now. It's probably like University of the Philippines where tuition is subsidized so students pay very little if any at all and very rigid selection process. The same for Tokyo University in Japan. Most of these schools are public schools, funded by the government.
Mar 22, 2009 21:29
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Originally Posted by SHESGOTTOBE

Oh I get it now. It's probably like University of the Philippines where tuition is subsidized so students pay very little if any at all and very rigid selection process. The same for Tokyo University in Japan. Most of these schools are public schools, funded by the government.

Not exactly, SHESGOTTOBE. Those key schools are usually public schools and supported by the government. However, the tuition is very high because so many students dream of entering the key schools. Some schools might have some preferential policies for those poor students. For example, these poor students are exempted from the tuition and get some subsidies.

In my hometown, a key school charges each new student 3000 yuan as capital fee because a lot of money were spent to build a new and modern school. Too expensive.
Mar 21, 2012 07:55
GUEST44120 We do have a key school. Its called charter school.
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