Is it possible to work four and a half days per week?
Mar 10, 2009 03:26
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Zhang Xiaomei, a successful businesswoman as well as a member of the 11th National Committee of CPPCC, recently made a proposal to change the current workweek schedule in China. She proposed to introduce 4.5-day workweek system to replace the current 5-day workweek.

She insisted that:
1. the low working efficiency of the current 5-day workweek. The efficient working hours only take 70 percent of the total time. In other words, 2.4 hours are wasted per week.
2. new jobs will be created with the introduction of her new workweek schedule. It is said that 6 percent jobs will be created if the bosses shorten the working hours by 10 percent.

Do you have any shrewd comments on this issue? Is is possible to adopt 4.5-day workweek schedule?
Mar 10, 2009 03:56
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I am afraid that the employers won't agree to adopt 4.5-day workweek system. If the new workweek schedule is adopted, the employers will have to increase the cost because he needs to feed more mouths. Well, there might a way---cutting the employees' salaries. However, I am thinking if the employees accept the salary cut.
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