Want to travel 6 months in China
Mar 26, 2009 11:37
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I am a Canadian and want to travel 6 months is China...

I got a flight booked to arrive in Hong Kong on August 28th 2009 and leaving Hong Kong on February 25th, Im planning on visiting thailand, laos, vietnam, South Korea...

As I hear I will need a multiple entry visa, but yeah want to be there more than 30 days....

What is the best way of travelling around china with no problems what so ever....

Thanks in advance !

Mar 27, 2009 00:07
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I just called a travel agent and they told me I could get a 3 month visa ... but only 1 entry !

Mar 27, 2009 01:39
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One entry will be all you should need. Once you are in China, you do all your traveling and only leave once you have finished.

If you are also visiting Thailand, Vietnam and SKorea you do not need to transfer through China. Plan well and you can do it on
One-entry visa. Simple.

Remember HK is not China when it comes to visa's You can come and go from HK as many times as you like
Mar 27, 2009 11:39
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Thanks !!

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