What do you think about my itinerary?
Apr 12, 2009 16:44
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Hi everybody!!

I had been planning my travel itinerary to China the next July-August. Please can you tell me what do you think about it?
Do you think i must change something? It will be my first time in China and I very excited!!

That's my idea, but I'm open to make changes...

Day 1: Arrive to Beijing early in the morning.
Day 2-3: Beijing
Day 4: Beijing. Night train to Datong
Day 5 Datong (Yungang Caves and Xuankong Si Temple). Night train to Pingyao
Day 6: Pingyao. Night train to Xi'an
Day 7: Xi'an
Day 8: Xi'an. Night train to Chengdu.
Day 9: Chendu-Leshan (by bus)
Day 10: Leshan
Day 11: Leshan-Emei Shan Mt. (by bus)
Day 12: Emei Shab Mt. (Sleeping in monastery)
Day 13: Emei Shan to Kanding (by bus)
Day 14: Kanding-Litang (by bus)
Day 15: Litang
Day 16: Litang-Xiancheng (by bus)
Day 16: Xiancheng-Zhongdian (by bus)
Day 17: Zhongdian
Day 18: Zhongdian-Lijian (by bus)
Day 19: Lijian
Day 20: Lijian-Dali (by bus)
Day 21: Dali-Kunming (by bus)
Day 22: Kunming-Guilin (by plane) and Guilin-Yangshuo (by bus)
Day 23-25: Yangshuo-Guilin (by bus)
Day 26: Guilin-Shangai (by plane or train..I'm not sure)
Day 27-29: Shanghai
Day 30: Shanghai-Spain early in the morning.

I hope you can help me with your advices!!

Thanks and greetings from Spain.

Apr 13, 2009 02:54
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The roads for days 14-17 are not good and you should NOT attempt to make this look like your personal version of The Amazing Race.
I would really advise you to slow down and cut maybe 1/3 if not half of the destinations that you currently have. Otherwise you'll be seeing nothing but roads, trains, buses and airports.
Apr 13, 2009 04:52
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Thank you vey much for your advices Ellyse. It's very difficul to me to plan a tour in Sichuan and Yunna provinces, because I don´t had finded so much information...

Please Do you know if Lijiang has airport? For example, can I flight from Lijiang to Guilin (and not go to Dali and Kunming)?
Apr 13, 2009 06:14
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Yes, Lijiang does have an airport but I don't think they have direct flights to Guilin. You'll still have to go through Kunming. However IIRC there should be direct flights for Chengdu -- Lijiang.
With 30 days, if you want to see the rest of the places that you want to see, please drop either Sichuan or Yunnan province. Trying to do both would be too rushed.
If you've more queries please email directly to|ellyse99 and put "TravelChinaGuide" and your own username (eg abisshh) in the subject line, thanks.
Apr 16, 2009 11:10
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Thanks Ellyse!!!

Finally, I had changed my firts itinerary to this one. I think it will be better....

1: Beijing
2-3: Beijing
4: Beijing. Night train to Datong
5 Datong (Yungang CAves and Xuankong Si Temple). Night train to Pingyao
6: Pingyao. Night train to Xi'an
7: Xi'an
8: Xi'an. Night train to Chengdu.
9: Chengdu-Leshan (bus)
10: Leshan-Emei Shan (bus)
11: Emei Shan
12: Emei Shan
13: Emei Shan to Kanding (bus)
14: Kanding-Litang (bus)
15: Litang
16: Litang
17: Litang-Xiancheng (bus)
18: Xiancheng
19: Xiancheng-Zhongdian (bus)
20: Zhongdian
21: Zhongdian
22: Zhongdian-Kunming-Guilin (flight)
23: Guilin-Yangshuo (bus)
24: Yangshuo
25: Yangshuo
26: Yangshuo-Guilin (bus). Guilin-Shangai (flight or train)
27: Shanghai
28: Shanghai
29: Shanghai
30: Shanghai-Spain
Apr 16, 2009 20:17
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I would put in 1 more day for Beijing, especially if you need to recover from jetlag.
Xi'an -- Chengdu takes rather long via train, around 16 hours. If you can afford it, I would recommend that you fly instead.
I would prefer to spend at least 1 more day in Chengdu and 1 less day in Emeishan.
Why are you only going as far as Zhongdian in Yunnan province? I would include at least Lijiang as well. I wouldn't stay so many days in Zhongdian.
Apr 17, 2009 08:43
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Good suggestions about slowing it down a bit but you now seem to have a long stay in Shanghai. I'd drop Shanghai completely but it is your POD so you have to leave via. It is not really indicative of China and you will miss having a far more interesting time in Yunnan and Sichuan.

Stick closer to the original and drop Dali- Kunming. Don't skip Lijiang but fly out to Guilin. And can I suggest that you give yourself a number of flexible days travel on the western road trip so you can stop longer or less depending on how you are feeling when you get somewhere. It's good to go a little slower especially when you find a place or area you really like.

How's your Mandarin by the way????? 你会不会说普通话
Last edited by JABAROOTOO: Apr 17, 2009 08:48
Apr 17, 2009 12:45
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Well, I don't know how early his flight out to Spain would be, it could very well be in the morning.
And if he takes train for Guilin -- Shanghai then I think most of that day would be gone.
Which could mean that he might have only 2+ days in Shanghai.
Otherwise, it wouldn't be a problem to spice that part up a little with daytrips.
Apr 17, 2009 15:37
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Oh!! ELLYSE, JABAROOTOO...Thank you very much for help me!! :)

Well, as I told, is a open itinerary. I think that the second itinerary is slower than than the first and will be better.
We only going to reserve hotel the firsts days in Beijing, then we don't have reserved hotels in order to change our itinerary and stay longer or less in the places that we want.

I can't speak Mandarin but I have The Lonely Planet mandarin-spanish-mandarin ;)
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