Wages Earned in aggreement | |
Apr 24, 2009 21:37 | |
| Question : If your employer offers you a certain wage for the day worked and you started at 7am and another worker starts at 12pm (half day) and gets paid for the whole day for the same wage you worked,,is that fair?? |
Last edited by LARRYBOY: Apr 24, 2009 21:39 |
Apr 25, 2009 01:30 | |
GUEST91922 | Are you working in China, Larry? I suppose so. Get used to it. Also, be prepared to be short paid, paid late etc. |
Apr 25, 2009 03:29 | |
| Larryboy, you either came in too cheap or the other bloke was twice as good. The question is, Did you receive the amount that you had negotiated? Cheers, Dodg |
Apr 25, 2009 07:48 | |
| My apologies...I should have elaborated a little more, with my question,,it was late when I wrote it. I should of also included that the other person knows nothing about the trade, but is also entitled to the same. This is a view I have seen many times in the work place,not only with myself but with other workers. To answer your question Dodg: Yes I have, but my knowledge was gained through experience. Nothing was handed to me,, but now times have changed. Does this also happen in China? LB |
Apr 25, 2009 13:42 | |
| LB, normally speaking, employees from big company are much less competitive than those from small co. in HR market because folks from big co are limited to daily mechanical repition on tiny part of biz processing . i used to serve with a relatively big co. in north America, I found majority of them were not that qualified including lower-class management because their jobs don't require that much of years of college edu or professional designation, instead they offer updated basic working related skill training which is not that bad for those unqualified personnel who still need 'baby sitters'. Small private corps. more focus on hands on skills and good education. No baby sitters there. Under close oversight of owner-mgt, everybody is supposed to have full load in 8 hrs. In such enviroment, formal edu and professional designation play an important role becaused you are supposed to touch what you are not supposed to deal with in big co. If you are strong enough, ie, professional designation and acummulated abundant experience, you can earn on hourly basis as self-employed contractors. |
Last edited by COOLSPRINGS: Apr 25, 2009 13:46 |
Apr 26, 2009 08:46 | |
| LB, the HR department has now infested China. I meet multiple degree holders ever day here who have learnt from teachers who have not actually performed the job that they have taught. Frustrating, most certainly, but that when the guile and the cunning needs to be stepped up. Dodger. |
Apr 26, 2009 18:55 | |
| Quote:Originally Posted by DODGER LB, the HR department has now infested China.I meet multiple degree holders ever day here who have learnt from teachers who have not actually performed the job that they have taught. Frustrating, most certainly, but that when the guile and the cunning needs to be stepped up. Dodger. Dodger, I think western education system ( Overseas Chinese have highly praise on British edu legacy which is well inherited in Canada) , courses and professors should be introduced to China. I heard they are doing expentimental trials in some majors. And I also heard that In Europe and USA, colleges SELL different levels of degrees in different majors to overseas Chinese students, which is a very lucrative profit stream for those private edu institutions. |
Apr 26, 2009 22:50 | |
| Coolsprings, I’m not knocking degree holders, I just think that those who have learnt on the job (and I am one of them) should also be given some more respect for their experience. I’ll give you an example; My Dad was an electronic engineer back in the days when they still used valves. He built the first TV and radio that we had at home.. He went to on the head the project to build the first computer in Australia. It was as big as a house. He was completely self-taught. He would not be able to get a job today. Another example; a woman I used to know was a fashion designer. She wanted to find a reliable pattern maker, so she went to a woman who taught pattern making in the local collage to see if she wanted the job. The woman replied that she could teach her how to make them but had never actually made one herself! AS to selling degrees, yes it’s huge business. The collages are very reluctant to fail anyone because of the amount of money they pay. Dodger. |
Apr 27, 2009 21:08 | |
| >>My Dad was an electronic engineer back in the days when they still used valves. He built the first TV and radio that we had at home.. He went to on the head the project to build the first computer in Australia. It was as big as a house. He was completely self-taught. He would not be able to get a job today. << Dodger, your dad wouldn't bother getting a job, he could earn big wealth depending on his skills plus business skills if he had. The woman example let me think of 'trash' created by traditional chinese imperial exam system we overseas chinese well understand what you are implying if we got retrained in colleges or life long learning in trade association abroad... |
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