Magazine/newspaper jobs in China?
May 2, 2009 20:57
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I'm a journalist currently working the UK. My fiancee, who is Chinese, moved back to Beijing earlier this year, and I was planing on following after as soon as possible.

My question is, does anyone know of English-speaking magazines, websites or newspapers in Beijing that will hire expats - especially expats whose Mandarin is fairly basic?

I'm not sure I can be extremely picky, but I really would prefer to get a media-related job while I'm over there. If nothing else appears, I will go over and teach English, but that's not an area I can really see myself building a career in.
Last edited by LEGBA: May 2, 2009 21:00
May 9, 2009 03:08
  • LOVI_521
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We need to trade staff. Can help us to get orders. At the same time we are willing to pay commission to you. MSN|lovi_521 TEL 86-24-81923020
May 17, 2009 22:57
GUESTEMILY I know of two ex-pat magazines, one is The Beijinger ( and the other is That's Beijing ( They're both pretty nice magazines, usually write about upcoming events/concerts, restaurant and bar reviews, and sometimes do features on finding work in Beijing, traveling in China. They don't really deal so much with news; it's mostly a 'life in Beijing for ex-pats' kind of magazine.

I was thinking of sending a resume to them about an internship or illustration position; do you (or anyone) know who that should be addressed to? Editor-in-chief, art director...?
May 19, 2009 03:41
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As a rule it's best to present yourself to the assistant editor or the person who is responsible for your department.
May 9, 2011 09:59
GUESTADNAN iam computer opereter my aim job in china newspaper urdu iam expert inapge coral draw adobe fhoto shope my email adress|boxer.punjab mob no:03219771939
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