some question before starting managing a family tour
May 3, 2009 22:39
  • AD66
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i want to come for 3 weeks in August with my family (parnets + 2 kids) and another family.
we are going to arrive to Beijin airport
what is the best places for the summer, consider the weather and the children (ages 7-13)?
if we take a guide and a car for all of us (like a van) - what is the price for all our gruop?

thanks a lot
May 4, 2009 10:15
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Prices vary a lot from place to place Beijing and like cities obviously being the most expensive.

there are several vans with driver services advertising on this site. Make contact and ask them directly would be the best solution.

Explain the number of adults and children and special seating if required.

All of China has potential to be hot in August, especially Beijing. Just be sure to pack light breathable clothing and hats and keep the drinking water handy.

You can find respite in the mountains so plan a few places like that to break up the hot and humid times.

All the best with your plans
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