Are there any English teaching jobs available in Guangdong from late 2009.
May 24, 2009 03:51
guest21155 I have a British B.A Hons degree and i would like to teach English in Guangdong. What i would like to know is are there any teaching jobs available, preferably from Oct 2009 onwards. At present i am in the U.K.

May 25, 2009 08:05
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  • Join Date: Jul 4, 2005
  • Status: Offline
just goolge the ESL sites

Try this one to begin with and find something you like. Don't send all you personal details unless they have given you all the information you want and will start you when you want.

Tell them when you are available and go from there. Many will take teachers starting any dates especially if you have the right quals.

all the best
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