Beijing Night markets and Hutongs
Feb 20, 2005 23:32
Are there any night markets close to city center?
Which hutong neighborhood would you recommend seeing?
Feb 20, 2005 23:39
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Ni Hao, Easytravel!

If you are looking for Food Night Markets, there is a nice one on the right side of the Forbidden City, turn left behind the Beijing Hotel. On the left side there is a tourist clothes market first (not interesting!) but further down you will find it. They offer the so called southern variety like scorpions on sticks, testicles of most animals big enough (I know they like some testicles in Spain, too!) and so on....

For regular antiques, arts, fakes and so on check the travel tips about the PANJIAJUAN and HONGQIAO Market......should be a help!

Feb 20, 2005 23:57
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Walk around the left side of the Forbidden City for Hutongs.....
Feb 21, 2005 13:36
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for the Hutong areas, I hihgly recommned the houhai for you ,cause there got lots of bars and pubs and combinaitons of western cutlure and Chinese culture,
my email:|underwaterman
Feb 21, 2005 14:35
And of course somewhere around Qian Gate.
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