Bike rental tips?
Jul 8, 2009 21:55
guest21848 We are 3 adults and 2 kids, 7 and 8 yrs.
I think it's too much for the kids to peddle all morning around West Lake; any chance of tandem bikes or a seat on the back?

Any good rental places to recommend or other cycling tips?

Heading there in one week.


Jul 9, 2009 00:15
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Tandem bikes are prohibited in Hangzhou now as they were deemed to be a traffic/safety hazard. We were also looking for tandem bikes in early June, and that's what we were told.
There're a small number of bikes that I think have kid seats at the back, but I think they're only for toddlers, not for 7 and 8-year-olds! Can they perhaps balance themselves sitting on the back seat, across the back wheel? I did that, but it can be somewhat dangerous (prone to knocks and bumps) especially if you're not very experienced with this pillion method.
The bikes at the "official" rental places have no back seats of any kind.
Remember that you'll need to leave a photo ID for bike rental, and some unofficial ones also require a deposit.
Jul 9, 2009 00:37
GUEST21848 Thanks, Ellyse.

Do you mean a metal rack over the back wheel? I then could take along my seat pad. Kids are well used to that!
I bet those official rentals are like here in Beijing and no good for sharing a ride.
Jul 9, 2009 03:19
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Yes, metal rack over the back wheel. I had a little accident when my friend (I was riding pillion on his bike) tried to accelerate while going downhill over a bridge. -_-
Jul 9, 2009 05:28
GUEST21848 That's what we will do, then; I'll watch the bumps

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