Should a man have a female confidant?
Jul 12, 2009 04:07
guestCarrey There is a saying that a man needs two important women in the whole life: a female confidant and a wife. The wife is in possession of a man; the lover shares a lot with a man: the female confidant will play a crucial role in moulding a man. A man who has a female confidant is surely unfaithful to his wife? A catchcry from a Chinese TV series is: If a man has got a pretty, elegant, gentle and virtuous wife and a chivalrous, tender and degage female confidant, how lucky he is! Many men must have such a dream. Is that fair to their wives and female confidants?
Jul 12, 2009 09:17
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off course is unfair,i d like to be single as nowadays.
Jul 12, 2009 20:03
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There will be always some type of unrest in the relationship. The 2 women will always be in conflict with the man commanding his attention for their personal desires. Most of the time this kind of relationship will be destructive and unhealthy. Women are wired differently then men and will demand more from him emotionally. Most men can not even step up and deliver the emotional needs for just 1 woman!!! How will he do 2?? Lies and deception works for a while but time follows behind him like a little biting dog! "One day the bite marks WILL be seen". If you have NOTHING TO LOSE then this life style is for all 3 of you! A half full heart will never be full. Have one woman with communication and you will have a full blossomed relationship. A trusted friend and mate/spouse who will always stand by you. Find a woman of noble character and the man will be enriched more than gold or silver. LB
Jul 12, 2009 22:34
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I heard the saying: men are not monogamous animals. Desiring of more good "possessions" is human instinct.
Jul 14, 2009 23:25
  • GRIZ326
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Should a man? are you judging this man? If he is a dominant male it may be very important to him. If he is weak, having one woman may be too much for him. Most men probably fall in the middle and may have times in their lives where having more than one woman is important. As men get older and wiser they grow to realize that having one woman is usually more than enough. ;-)
Jul 15, 2009 22:09
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You are asking a "Should question"? From the point of view of moral standard, it is not moral to share your heart with two men. It is unfair for other half who devotes the whole heart to you while you have someone else in your heart.
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