Yangtze/3 Gorges trip - HOW & what type of boats or hydrofoil ?
Sep 20, 2009 03:57
guest52074 I am planning the trip and most light start from Yichang and end at Chongqing and hope to get some advice on which boat or ferry to take.

I read about the passenger boats. Is this the suitable boat ? I am travelling on low a budget. Being a Chinese, I will not have language problems but will the conditions be very bad ? What kind of other passengers will I be sharing cabin/dorm with ? Will there be toilet/shower room in ensuite ? How much will it cost and how is it compared to joining a local group tour ?

Is there any website with photos or pricing and schedules to check their timing ?

I also read the hydrofoil which is much faster that covers the same sight all in a day, is it true ? How much will it cost ?

How amout the 1 or 2 side trips along the cruise that are suppose to be the hightlights, can I do them both easily ? Is it true that group tours only do either one of them ?

Those are a lot of questions but any smallest info will be of great help and thanks in advance.

Sep 20, 2009 06:01
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Why don't you google in Putonghua and English. Most of this information is readily available
Sep 20, 2009 14:18
GUEST19048 I don't know how to type Chinese. Appreciate if you can give me soem English links. Thank you.
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