exam oriented study is worth for nothing. any comment are welcomed...
Oct 27, 2009 21:14
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i'll isten for any respons
Oct 27, 2009 22:29
GUESTANDY It is worh for nothing but currently Chinese sudents have no other choice. Admittedly, China has been advocating quality-oriented education for a long time. However, few achievments have been made. The students who want to go to colleges still have to hit the books and earn high scores in the College Entrance Exams. Then they might have the chance to enter the university they have been dreaming of. Really tough!
Oct 28, 2009 05:31
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My theory is simple.

Learn the Language!!!! and you will naturally pass any examination that you sit for

and the wonderful benefit of this is that you actually have a second or third language in which you can communicate with others

instead of a useless certificate stating a level of testing that bears no relevance to skills of communication.

I'm back teaching older students now after two years teaching kindergarten and I am staggered by the desire of some of these students to pass a high level test when they cannot understand, let alone answer, a simple question and continuously speak in the present tense without use of articles, pronouns and prepositions. If and when they do use the a fore mentioned they are often wrong.

It's about time the Education Department encouraged 'language learning' instead of 'test passing' and both would eventually be achieved.
Oct 29, 2009 22:50
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Hehe I'm not a good student because I have not as many certificates as my classmates. But at least I'm an English tour guide who can use English when I want to. So your suggestion is very useful Habarootoo^-^
Oct 29, 2009 22:57
Its toooooooo sad to see that so many Chinese college graduates who have passed CET-4 and CET-6 with high scores can't speak English or communicate with foreigners. They are all good students because they always earn high scores and did very good job in taking exams. However, don't you find out that those guys who become successful are not good students in their classes? They were naughty or "bad students" in their teachers' eyes. But they are more successful than those good students.
Oct 31, 2009 01:27
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Well, I think I was a "bad student" in my teachers' eyes but I don't think I'm successful so far...
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