Have you ever been a victim of Phishing scam?
Oct 28, 2009 22:30
Do you do online shopping? If you do, did you ever meet any phishing scams or phishing sites before?

One year ago, I didn't believe any online stores. I used to think that they were all cheaters. But now I do love online shopping. I buy a lot of things in online stores, such as books, computer memories and juice extractor. I have to admit that they are good and the service is excellent too. And luckily I haven't been cheated by any phishing sites.

However, there are always some victimes of those phishing sites. In China, those phishing sites do their best to disguise them as those real websites. Take ICBC for example, ICBC's offcial website is and a phishing site uses very similar If you don't check it carefully, you might reveal your account and password and then your money will be lost.

QQ, ICBC and Taobao are the three biggest victims in China. Those phishing sites like to pretend as QQ, ICBC and TAOBAO because these three sites are easy to disguise.

Did you meet any phishing scams or websites before?
Oct 29, 2009 22:40
Wow, no body made any replies. That's good. It means that members here seldom meet those phishing sites. No news is good news.
Nov 1, 2009 14:13
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To be honest most of us have probably been victims, the bad bit is we dont always know
Nov 2, 2009 01:16
Well, I am wondering if you guys use FIREFOX or IE. Firefox has anti-phishing plug-ins that can filter those phishing websites. IE 7 also can filter phishing websites too. However, it is said that Firefox does a better job than IE. Unfortunately, if you want to use online banks in China, you have no other choices but to use IE because most banks in China do not support Firefox.
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