Recipes for Luo bo
Nov 14, 2009 07:56
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I think I am correct, Luo bo or Chinese radish.

Can you please suggest some recipes for using it, my local market in UK now stocks it each week.
When I had it in China last time it was with braised pork which was really nice and also a cold starter or appetiser with a little chilli and lots of rice vinegar.
Nov 17, 2009 01:54
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Dave, here are some recipes and hope you like them.

No.1 White radish soup with jellyfish and pork

Materials: 240 grams salted jellyfish, 640 grams white radish and 480 grams pork (lean meat).
Seasonings: 5 grams ginger and 3 grams salt.

1.wash and cut white radish into large pieces.
2.wash salted jellyfish several times to get rid of the salt and then soak in clear water for 20 minutes.
3.boil jellyfish for 5 minutes, fish out and wash it again.
4.boil pork for 5 minutes, fish out and wash it.
5.put jellyfish, white radish, pork and ginger in a pot of boiling water, use medium heat to boil for 4 hours and then flavor the soup with some salt.

No.2 Crucian carp and shredded white radish soup
Materials: 900 grams crucian carp and 300 grams white radish
Seasonings: 8 grams shallot, 3 grams ginger, 15 grams vegetable oil, 2 grams MSG, 5 grams salt and 10 grams cooking wine.

1.scrape crucian carp’s scales, gut it and then make 5 cuts on each side of the fish.
2.peel and shred the white radish.
3.cut the shallot into sections and shred the ginger.
4.heat 15 grams vegetable oil and fry the fish until it turns golden.
5.add 5 cups of water, shallot sections, ginger, radish shreds, MSG, salt, cooking wine in the pan.
6.boil the mixture with medium heat for 10 minutes.

Nov 17, 2009 01:54
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No.3 White radish with rice vinegar
Materials: 250 grams white radish
Seasonings: 30 grams rice vinegar, 1 gram Chinese prickly ash, 2 grams salt and 1 gram sesame oil.

1.clean, wash and slice white radish.
2.salt radish slices with salt, Chinese prickly ash and vinegar for 4 hours.
3.sprinkle sesame oil and then enjoy it.

No.4 Stewed beef with white radish
Materials: 450 grams white radish and 100 grams beef.
Seasonings: 15 grams shallot, 15 grams ginger, 10 grams cooking wine, 10 grams soy sauce, 4 grams salt, 2 grams MSG, 3 grams anise and 3 grams peanut oil.

1.wash the white radish and beef separately, cut them into pieces and then quick-boil white radish and beef pieces separately in boiling water.
2.heat peanut oil, fry shallot, ginger and anise, put in beef pieces, soup-stock and cooking wine and stew until the beef is done.
3.add in radish pieces, bring the soup to the boil and remove the froth.
4.after the white radish is done, flavor with salt, soy sauce and MSG and then remove shallot, ginger and anise.
5.remove the froth again and ready to eat.

No.5 mutton and white radish hot pot
Materials: 200 grams white radish and 250 grams mutton
Seasonings: 10 grams cooking wine, 5 grams ginger, 3 grams salt, 5 grams soy sauce, 1 gram chicken essence and 2 grams pepper.

1.wash, peel and cut the white radish into pieces.
2.wash and cut mutton into small pieces and salt with cooking wine.
3.quick-boil mutton pieces in boiling water.
4.put white radish, mutton pieces and ginger in the hot pot, add salt, soy sauce in and boil until white radish and mutton are done.
5.separate ginger from the soup and flavor with chicken essence and pepper.
Nov 17, 2009 23:17
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stew mutton or lamb with luo bo together. It's a good one and easy to make. And at the same time, nutritious and healthy. Hope you like it, Dave^-^
Nov 18, 2009 22:04
White radish with rice vinegar

This is the easiest one. I will give it a try.
Nov 20, 2009 16:45
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the radish with vinegar seems simple enough for me.
have to say cooked with mutton sounds nice
Nov 20, 2009 19:02
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Hehe, just mix things you like together and you will get a unique Davec recipe^-^
Nov 22, 2009 10:24
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most of my food is unique, sort of Chinglish
Nov 24, 2009 03:21
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Hehe, any food would be good as long as you like it^-^
Nov 24, 2009 03:53
  • CHERRY07
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Well, actually you needn't ask for any recipes because raw radish is edible.
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