Sober up the drunk with persimmon and honey!
Dec 1, 2009 03:07
Did you get drunk before? Once I got drunk and my head was almost to blow up while I became sober. Since then, I have told myself not to get drunk again. Meantime, I tried to find something that could make feel better. My friends told me that persimmon and honey could sober me up and sooth my headache after drink much wine. The persimmon can accelerate the oxidation process of the alcohol. And Vitamin is good for your liver. If you ate two persimmons when you were drunk, you would feel better tomorrow and your headache would be released a bit.

As for honey, we usually add some into drinking water and then drink it after you drink alcohol. The sugars and Vitamin C in honey can also help you sober up after drinking.

Those drunkards should really try persimmon and honey after the get drunk.

Dec 1, 2009 03:08

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