Times: Who will be Person of the Year 2009?
Dec 6, 2009 02:54
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To quote Bob, “If you think the Taliban will be destroyed, you are dreaming. If you believe Iraqi will have a representative government, you are equally deluded. If you believe either of these invasions have achieved their objectives, you are living in Noddyland. If anyone believes either of these wars can be won by the foreign invaders, see a psychiatrist. If you believe the shortlived unintended benefits achieved in either of these wars have been worth the countless lives lost on all sides, you have vastly different values to me.”
So in summary, anyone who disagrees with Bob’s opinions is an idiot.
Dec 6, 2009 04:03
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If the shoe fits, wear it!
Dec 6, 2009 13:57
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Acccording to this website which provides reliable sources for it's estimates, at least 753,399 people have
been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq.....SO FAR! These are deaths only. No estimate is available for the countless maimed,scared or psychologically damaged.

If anyone believes that these deaths, plus the 5 million children estimated to be now orphaned, plus the obscene waste of money which could have been far better spent elsewhere, justify "Kurds feeling a little safer" or Afghani women being able to "listen to their favorite music" then I think the shoes would fit perfectly.
Dec 6, 2009 16:23
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My question is for what 'they' fight at the sacrifice of others' sons and daughters. What is the aims that the war sevrves for?
Dec 6, 2009 18:05
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That's a very good question MARRIE. I wish I knew the answer.
Last edited by BOBERT: Dec 6, 2009 18:06
Dec 6, 2009 23:17
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Marrie, there are foreign troops in Afghanistan at the invitation of the legally elected government of that country. They have not invaded the place.
As you would be aware, this region is one of the centers of the poppy growing industry from which heroin is derived.
You would also probably know that drugs are responsible for the majority of crime in the west.
Both Iraq and Afghanistan present extremely complicated problems for all of us.
Even a first class idiot like me can appreciate that.
Dec 6, 2009 23:59
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DODGER. First let me apologise for being so dogmatic and arrogant. As you rightly pointed out, I inferred that anyone who disagreed with my logic was an idiot. It was crass, and patently wrong. You are obvioulsy an intellgent, well-read man and you are entitled to your opinion. My only defence is that your retaliatory post stung me and I reacted aggresively. Not really much of a defence I admitt.

I have very strong feelings on the Bush/Blair led "invasions" of Iraq and Afghanistan. I believe the public was conned and hoodwinked by two ego maniacs hellbent on political gain. I was lied to and I feel raped. The recent rigged election of a corrupt puppet in Afghanistan will only add to the already heavy carnage. However, as you rightly point out some good has been achieved, but at a huge cost. On this subject we will just have to agree to disagree.

P.S. In my opinion it's not the "drugs that are responsible for the majority of crime in the west". It is the illegality of those drugs, Make them legal and most of the associated problems would disapear.

Dec 7, 2009 01:33
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Hey, Bob, I just got an idea when I read the topic... Person of 2009? Maybe we could select Bob to be one of them since he always tries to help people, not only from TCG but also from other places....^-^
Dec 7, 2009 04:29
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Bob, thank you for you apology and I also appreciate the passion that you have shown on this subject. It’s nice to know that someone cares about something.
As it happens, my old regiment is involved in both of these counties.

Please except my apology, because I knew the reaction it would draw from you.
I should have left it alone.

But, we have found some common ground.
I believe that if the commercial profit was removed from the selling of drugs, and by that I mean, hand it out for free, it would kill the trade overnight.
Cheers and a Merry Christmas. Dodger.
Dec 7, 2009 16:00
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Dodger, I understand the camaraderie you share with your mates. I was a professional firefighter for 30 years so I know the bond we share with our colleagues. Like soldiers, firefighters never question the cause of the problem they are delegated to confront and solve. A firefighter has no interest if the fire is accidental or was deliberately set for profit, That post mortem is a job for others. They simply apply themselves to the task at hand. A soldier can't afford to question the reason they are fighting a war. That will be decided by history. They simply do the best job they can.

I have no quarrel with soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan. Like the soldiers in Vietnam they are confronted with what I believe is an unjust, unwinnable and soon to be unpopular war. My contempt is reserved for the politicians only. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

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