Looking for a foreinger to get marry
Apr 15, 2013 06:20

Originally Posted by ESLWEARY View Post

Who the hell would want to marry someone based solely upon where they are from. Ah yes, old, bitter, difficult Chinese women who can't find a Chinese husband. Hence they seek out desperate westerners looking for any female with a pulse that will marry them. Chinese woman puts in her year with the foreigner, divorces him, gets American Green card. ...

you are Damn right..but, see there are sometime people like me,tried all my best just can't fell in love with Chinese, so what' s wrong if i don't want to rot to death? want's wrong if i just want a foreigner as a partner? what's wrong for a poor old lady asking for some sweet good romance with a man ? Since that man is lonely as well, since they didn't hurt anybody,why can't they be together? you see, i am young, i am 23,but i would be glad for whoever want to try to make a change and live better.... .. Also,in case that you aren;t an Chinese, let me tell you something, in China, woman over 30 is a piece of trash, married or not,they are" leftover". Men always think they are buying apples from supermarket, and these woman are basically what nobody wants,so how can he take it ?i don;t blame Chinese Man because it's hard to change ,and humans are social animals and men are afraid to "lose Face".. but sometimes there are woman who are smart and intelligent, pretty and sensitive, and happened not like those man who comes to her only for sex and face...... anyway,for me,if you are lonely,you go and seek love, and i am 100 percent supportive~~~~
Apr 15, 2013 06:44

Originally Posted by GUESTNERICK View Post

What about all of the meet Chinese-lady-internet sites?
Do Americans in China fell - or know - these sites are just women wanted to gain a green card?
I am an educated American who is interested in meeting a nice female from China. I have noticed the over exposure of ladies showing low cut cloths which reveal their breasts &...

wow, traditional lady!!! well,there are really a plenty kinds of traditional lady since you know,we have over 5000 years of, it denpends .. (why i am so happy?) Most of the time, we say we are traditional, that means, we are not sexually open. One thing i want you to know,man, in China,you dress yourself showing your legs that's totally ok, i don;t know why ,but see, Westerners are obviously ok if their woman show half of their breast, but in China is not the case; while in Western countries, ladies rarely ware... damn it, how to spell ware, were,wall, ...anyway, they rarely were..dresses showing most part of their legs, but in China, actually most students would do that and that's not appropriate at all, this is Culture difference, and has nothing to do with Tradition.( actually because that kind of dress is cheap and our summer days can be really hooooot..)..also, you see,according to our histoy,Chinese are actually quite open and easy to take in things( unless you are really well-educated, don;t try to argue with me that cause i am good at history..) as time goes by, it's not at all a strange thing to see woman show half of their breast in big cities, and you can expect that would spreadout to even small towns in years to come....
BTW, i am really curious why can't you accept that? the only people who can't accept that are those Chinese man!!especially married or engaged Chinese man. As an American, you might be really proud of your Father of Poetry, and all those beautiful naked women in all those paintings whose name i don't know..why are you so against our beautiful girls showing part of their beautiful body??
Also, another thing need you to know..tradition also means we don't go to night club too much and dressing ourselves like prostitude,shaking ourselves like we get stoned, or ger drunk their needing man to escort ...(though it is possible that we might do that a couple of times in a whole life, or even if we go there,we don;t get drunk, or even if we get drunk, we have our best friends with us rather than strangers)if you go to night club a lot, and seeing people dressing like what you mentioned, well man, prepare your money and make it safe~~and BTW,in tradition, our prostitude is quite quite quite quite different from what they are now..
Apr 15, 2013 06:55

Originally Posted by SKYB View Post

And, we, not all, but quite a lot of us, we don't really like to spend time on understanding a person, on understanding anything which needs a lot of time to find the beauty. We don't want to know how other people feel and how we say or do will hurt them. It's nothing we concern about...

Just like one year ago, i went to a ...

well, i am so so so so so happy that i am supportive since the first time i saw it( which is about half an hour ago).. pity i am a woman too , and i think of it in the same way!!!
Anyway, wish you all the best sweetie.. be brave there would be people waiting for you.. not all foreigners are like that shallow and judge people by what they think....
your good luck might not be for me, but since i need it, i will take it , and i will split it, give half of it back to you~~~~~~~~
Aug 2, 2013 16:04
GUEST34133 Hi
I live in Canada and I am looking for a real relationship please email me|ramiyot
Nov 17, 2013 10:37
GUEST54177 SkyB,
你好,我是个外国人。 我是巴基斯坦的,我留学过在中国 我家人介绍个一个巴基斯坦姑娘。可是我不喜欢巴基斯坦姑娘。我以前有过女朋友在中国。但是我们分手了。现在我找工作了在青岛。但是我不想找女朋友。我要结婚在中国。我也不想回巴基斯坦。我能了解你 如果你觉得我可以吗,你就联系我。|anauman11

Feb 12, 2014 12:24
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oh great,

So women post here in a moment of sadness, perhaps just before they visit with their families around Chinese New Year and then never look at the message again?

oh my goodness...
Feb 21, 2014 02:20
  • SKYB
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No like that....
Feb 21, 2014 02:43
  • SKYB
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And , My understandings towards both Chinese and western men were too naive. I apologize to any unfriendly comments.

I have no any right to judge anybody.You all deserve equal respects with all humans in the world. no more, no less.. the same dose.

I wish all have a good luck... all of you. all of us.

Dec 5, 2015 08:44
GUESTEFREL R... Hello..i am efrelyn refamonte from 26years old.single.60kilos and 5'2 searching a guy who willing to love me if who i those interesting to me kindly add me in|Facebook-darah_shyne..or add me in my WhatsApp efrel refamonte. .my phone number +639776599848...
Apr 8, 2016 03:19
GUEST53212 Hello dear, I hope this message finds you well.
I am an European Spaniard man, 49 y.o. never married and none kids. I am good looking and healthy, very well educated and respectful , elegant, affectionate, reliable and good person.
I am looking for a high class, smart and independent woman to start a friendship guiding to marriage.
I am working and living in Dubai and free to relocate in the future depending on the circumstances.
I love Chinese culture, art, gastronomy, people and the country in general.

If you'd like to know more about me, please feel free to contact by email first.|GP6507
Looking forward to hear from you, best wishes.
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