A female student from Hu Bei Province commite suicide in the dorm of Shanghai Maritime University
Dec 13, 2009 16:42
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Source: Shanghai Daily

Suicide family's claim rejected

Shanghai Maritime University has rejected a family's claim for 350,000 yuan (US$51,255) compensation after a student committed suicide in her dorm, but it has promised to pay them money to help with funeral expenses, a school official said yesterday.

The family's claim attracted nationwide attention via the Internet, with thousands of Netizens showing sympathy for the student and her life of poverty.

A school official said they felt sorry for the student's death but they bore no responsibility for it.

The student's uncle, surnamed Wang, demanded compensation from the school including 50,000 yuan for funeral expenses and the rest for the student's mother to buy an apartment.

But Peng Dongkai, director of the university's publicity department, said the demand was unreasonable.

"Wang's mood is understandable but his expected compensation is too excessive and goes far beyond practical," Peng said.

The school would pay for the funeral and the cremation as a humanitarian gesture.

Dec 13, 2009 16:42
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Yang Yuanyuan, a 30-year-old graduate student who majored in law, killed herself on November 26 by hanging herself in a dorm bathroom.

She didn't leave a note.

Yang came from a poor single-parent family in Hubei Province and she brought her mother to live with her in her dorm after she was admitted to the university in September.

But the university was unhappy with that arrangement and Wang accused it of forcing Yang's mother to leave before she found a suitable apartment. This had driven the woman's daughter to despair, according to a report in the Oriental Morning Post.

Wang said a dorm management staff member, surnamed Gao, was also to blame because he had been insulting to Yang's mother and had refused to let her in when she was looking for her daughter, the newspaper said.

Wang said Yang's death could have been avoided if Gao simply opened the door and the daughter had been sent to hospital in time, according to the newspaper.

But the school said there was no evidence Gao had treated the mother in a rude or violent way.

Yang received her diploma five years after she graduated from Wuhan University because it took her that long to save up for the 3,970 yuan tuition.

School officials said they had offered the mother an apartment in a nearby building for 400 yuan a month.

But according to the newspaper, Yang's brother said there was no bed in the apartment and the mother had to sleep on the floor.

Last edited by MARRIE: Dec 13, 2009 16:44
Dec 16, 2009 21:40
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I knew this news. Before she killed herself, she once said "knowledge can't change one's destiny." She seemed totally disappointed. I really admire her because she still didn't give up studying even her family was very poor. And she was really dutiful and obedient. Her suicide was a tragedy.
Dec 16, 2009 23:15
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<<knowledge can't change one's destiny.>>

Why did she go to Shanghai to continue study. It's an ordinary thing in Shanghai today that universtiy studies are becoming a must and more commercial like the west west. It prepares you necessary skills and foundation to seek chance. Local Shanghainese graduates as far as i know, for example, my cousines, they seek jobs by themselves, got laid off and got employed again and they are still studying in the evening as well with positive longings for the future.

I just see the new online, most of time i don't believe on-line news that just attracts the public with vulgar tastes for making money except sports. There could be other reasons like mental disease, family abuse, etc.
Dec 22, 2009 03:36
  • KEVIN0518
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Where is her brother? He also has the responsibility to take care of his mom but actually didn't fulfill his duty. His brother is studying in Peking University for Doctor Degree.
Dec 22, 2009 18:15
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Their mom are not disabled and doen't look that old. This is not the point that who should give care to her. The point is that she needs accommodation for free, which is not norm in Shanghai. If she wants to stay in Shanghai, she can do temp. job for renting apartment. This minor thing doesn't deserve the way that her daughter finishes the life.
Dec 25, 2009 02:34
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Marrie, this minor thing might be the "last straw". According to the report, her father was dead when she was six. It is her mom who has raised her and her little brother. I should say that her mom is great. You know, it is hard for a woman to support two college students to finish their studies. She might feel that she owes a lot to her mom so that she took her mom to finish her college study in Wuhan University. The school authorities of the Wuhan University helped them out. Her brother also studied in Wuhan University and went to Beijing University to continue his further study.

When she went to Shanghai, she hoped that Shanghai Marine University could help them like Wuhan University. However, they didn't offer them free accommodation. She might feel disappointed but I don't think it is the only reason that she committed suicide. Later, the media reported that the school once found a house outside but they couldn't live for free. They had to pay the rent. It was also said that her mom hadn't been allowed to enter the dorm to see her daughter.

Kids in single families are very different from others, especially those who came from poor single families. She was a gentle but stubborn girl, according to the news. She never talked to her classmates or friends about her difficulties. She burdened everything on her own.

In my view, she was self-abased so that she wouldn’t tell anyone about her and choose to burden everything. Can you imagine how she has gone through all the difficulties those years? I guess that she had been already tired but she didn’t give up yet. This time, she felt that she couldn’t keep up anymore so that she ended her life.

When this news came out, we just blamed the school authorities based on what we read from the report. You know, the weak usually gain the sympathy of other people. By the way, we can’t figure out if all the reports were real. Not only the university but also her family (especially her mom) should be responsible for her death.
Dec 29, 2009 20:59
She tried to change her destiny by studying but she finally realized that "Knowledge can't change her destiny". Then she was totally disappointed. As a result, she ended her life in the dorm.
Last edited by LONELYJOURNEY: Dec 29, 2009 20:59
Jan 27, 2010 09:58
GUEST84646 how depressing!
Jun 13, 2010 05:36
GUESTSLESSYHER I am new to this forum and want to say hello to all of you, it is really fantastic place to share own expirience, I will stay here for a longer. Many interesting topics. (:
Jun 17, 2010 16:52
GUEST09105 selfish girl anyone commit suicide does not get my sympathy
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