Transit at Beijing Airport for 3 hours
Oct 17, 2011 02:22
GUEST11265 i could not find ATMS nor was there any signs to direct you to the fourth floor, why are there so many chinese people at the airport?
Oct 17, 2011 03:05

Originally Posted by GUEST11265

i could not find ATMS nor was there any signs to direct you to the fourth floor, why are there so many chinese people at the airport?

If you cannot find them, ask help from the staff there.
why are there so many chinese people at the airport? you'll find later that there are also many Chinese people in other places of China.
Oct 17, 2011 03:06

Originally Posted by GUEST11265

i could not find ATMS nor was there any signs to direct you to the fourth floor, why are there so many chinese people at the airport?

If you cannot find them, ask help from the staff there.
why are there so many chinese people at the airport? you'll find later that there are also many Chinese people in other places of China.
Oct 23, 2011 21:06
GUEST11265 Ok thanks for the news about the ATMS
Jan 18, 2012 08:19
GUEST44243 We are flying from Gothenburg to Beijing by Lufthansa and the same day with Air China from Beijing to Sydney. We asked embassy for visa to have stop over at our way back but the refused granting visa!!!!

I checked that no visa required if we arrive and depart in T3 but we fly with diffrent airlines so our bagages should be checked in in beijing. There is a refrence that under 24 hrs transit, no visa is required but is it applicable for geting bagages and checking in? as it would probably delivred after the border!

Is there any comment or experince?
Jan 18, 2012 22:01
GUEST2683 Are you a Sweden or Australian? Actually people from both countries are exempted for visa if they stay at the Beijing Airport less than 24 hours.
Jan 19, 2012 03:03
GUEST44243 We travel on Iranian passports, but Embassy told me that there is no visa requirement for transit.
The question is if there is a poosibility to check in our bagage in Gothenburg and get in Beijing for another check in. Otherwise we shall travel only by cabin bagages!
Apr 20, 2012 15:58
GUEST69254 Hi, I stop in Beijing for 9 hrs on my stopover to UK. Can i leave the airport?
Apr 20, 2012 21:03

Originally Posted by GUEST69254

Hi, I stop in Beijing for 9 hrs on my stopover to UK. Can i leave the airport?

What's your nationality?
Jul 22, 2012 22:09
GUEST93065 aS A TRANSIT PASSENGER VIA BEIJING TO MOSOCW into terminal 3 and out of terminal 3 is it easy to find departure gates ..and is there a map of Terminal 3 depoarture gates on net
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