what impress you most in China
Apr 9, 2010 03:34
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nowadays ,more and more foreigners come to China ,what impress you most while you are in China
share with us
Apr 27, 2010 16:25
  • MARK_81
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I'd really love to vote for all of the above if I'm being honest here lol

I started to become interested in China almost on a complete whim. I was always interested in learning the language so one day in early 07 I decided to just go for it.

It was (and still is) a very life changing and very rewarding journey for me personally. Not just learning the language but learning about the rich chinese culture and history and getting to know its peoples. I actually met my g/f whilst studying chinese and we both decided to learn it together and it made it that much more easier for me I can tell ya! later on that year we travelled there together for the first time and we've been back every year since.

So yes the culture, the food, the people, the buildings everything has and continues to impress..

Last edited by MARK_81: Apr 27, 2010 16:45
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