Looking for a challenge for the first time
Apr 15, 2010 07:48
Hi everyone I am new on this forum and looking for some friendly advice from the experts.

I am from the UK, have obtained a Degree/Postgraduate and shall complete my TEFL course in June 2010 so you may know where this is leading.

I want to come to China to teach English and would like to work for an organisation which offers good incentives such as on-going training, accommodation and Chinese lessons would be amazing. I am not too worried about the salary as I hope my skills, experience can determine the pay that I receive. I prefer going southwest of China and have heard maybe Kunming or a city called Yuxi near Kunming are meant to be quite good. But Iam open to places which have ex-pats or English is spoken to help go from A to B.

I have been doing research on employment opportunities in China and if I am honest haven't had much luck as I am not guiding myself too well which is when I stumbled across this website hoping for advice from people in the know.

After a tragic event occured it has finally dawned on me to bite the bullet and do something rather than just dreaming of it. I am scared nervous anxious and a whole mix of emotions but China seems like a fascinating country and I have nothing to lose by going.

I would sincerely appreciate any advice or information anyone can offer thank you.

Shantelle D

Apr 16, 2010 03:19
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There are many sites and agencies providing teaching job contacts. Remember the agencies are more concerned about their commission and not the conditions of the job. Here are a few;

There are also many pitfalls and possible problems for the uninitiated. Try and get opinions from past or present teachers. Even government schools in China work as a business, and managers can be ruthless. Generally the higher status the school/college the better conditions and pay....and qualififications required. The best jobs need qualifications and experience.

Make sure the school will get you a Z visa. Do not travel on a toursit visa on a promise. Check your English contract is the same as the Chinese one. You might find you are agreeing to make up time for Chinese holidays or providing free overtime. Beware of extra out of hours duties. Some of the sites also have forums, read them carefully, particularly those reporting bad experiences.

And finally, good luck ;)
Apr 16, 2010 10:27
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There's a good expat website in Kunming so get signed on as a member and chat to folk already there. Good idea to start in a larger city with a better network of foreigners but Kunming, Chengdu and Guiyang would all be good cities to make a start.

Just be sure that your school is actually in the city proper and that you have done all of the above things regarding the contract. You could even try for 6 months and then renew later.

Don't worry. Everyone feels a little scared when first stepping out but it's not that bad these days. And if you do sign on with a school that is not perfect, it's only for a year and you can use that time to look for other options. Just be wary of Language Training Centres unless you really want to teach spoilt youngsters.

Welcome to China and all the best

Apr 18, 2010 22:16
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Hmm.... southwest? One of my best friends from Canada will start his new teaching job in Chengdu this September... But as for me, I could give you lots of suggestions and even send you the positions available if you want to be in Beijing but unfortunately I'm not quite familiar with southwest... But anyway, good luck...
Apr 19, 2010 11:43
GUEST82111 HI I am open to positions in Beijing thanks for any links
Apr 19, 2010 21:48
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I'd love to help but somehow I don't think it's respectful enough if I show some links from other web here... So is there a way that I could send you a private message? You are "guest" so I can't send any message to your TCG account..
Last edited by HERBEAT: Apr 19, 2010 21:49
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