Can cleavage cause earthquakes?
May 14, 2010 05:43
  • KIAO
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does anyone understand any of this?
May 14, 2010 05:49
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Where can I get the stuff you guys are smoking?
May 14, 2010 05:56
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Arr, the taunting of the scoundrel Blood.
But my loyal crew has vowed to bring justice to the high seas.

Let’s send him off to Van Demons Land, with the rest of the filth.
Join me shipmates in sing our favorite shanty.
Boatswain, play your fiddle;

Farewell and adieu to you, Spanish Ladies,
Farewell and adieu to you, ladies of Spain;
For we've received orders for to sail for ole England,
But we hope in a short time to see you again.
We will rant and we'll roar like true British sailors,
We'll rant and we'll roar all on the salt sea.
Until we strike soundings in the channel of old England;
From Ushant to Scilly is thirty five leagues.

We hove our ship to with the wind from sou'west, boys
We hove our ship to, deep soundings to take;
'Twas forty-five fathoms, with a white sandy bottom,
So we squared our main yard and up channel did make.
We will rant and we'll roar like true British sailors,
We'll rant and we'll roar all on the salt sea.
Until we strike soundings in the channel of old England;
From Ushant to Scilly is thirty five leagues.

The first land we sighted was called the Dodman,
Next Rame Head off Plymouth, off Portsmouth the Wight;
We sailed by Beachy, by Fairlight and Dover,
And then we bore up for the South Foreland light.
We will rant and we'll roar like true British sailors,
We'll rant and we'll roar all on the salt sea.
Until we strike soundings in the channel of old England;
From Ushant to Scilly is thirty five leagues.

Then the signal was made for the grand fleet to anchor,
And all in the Downs that night for to lie;
Let go your shank painter, let go your cat stopper!
Haul up your clewgarnets, let tacks and sheets fly!
We will rant and we'll roar like true British sailors,
We'll rant and we'll roar all on the salt sea.
Until we strike soundings in the channel of old England;
From Ushant to Scilly is thirty five leagues.

Now let ev'ry man drink off his full bumper,
And let ev'ry man drink off his full glass;
We'll drink and be jolly and drown melancholy,
And here's to the health of each true-hearted lass.
We will rant and we'll roar like true British sailors,
We'll rant and we'll roar all on the salt sea.
Until we strike soundings in the channel of old England;
From Ushant to Scilly is thirty five leagues..

Commander Dodger. RN.
May 14, 2010 07:26
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Originally Posted by KIAO

does anyone understand any of this?

Even Cap'n Flint the parrot has abandon ship and disguise as Maid'n Bint long before they start talking gibberish.

Coming from a renown source Larry is ravaging the old bird and feathers will fly if Bob finds out.
Last edited by CHRISTINE: May 16, 2010 20:44
May 14, 2010 08:12
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Dainty, thank god you’ve stop pushing your borrow through streets broad and narrow, crying ‘who will buy this wonderful morning’. I am in need of a first class gunnery officer.
‘old bint’, haven’t heard that expression in years.
Come aboard.
May 14, 2010 15:31
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Dainty; Beware of Greeks bearing gifts, but be terrified of stoker Dodger offering free passage. He is known as the scourge of the seven seas and commands a Britsh Navy hulk. He is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Once he has you aboard, the Jolly Roger will be stowed and the Red Ensign will be hoisted. He will then have you in chains and lashed to the mizzen or sold for pieces of eight. Do not sign on with this bilge sucking scurvy dog or you will be fish food before six bells.

Instead, come aboard my pirate schooner and sail the seven seas with a real buccaneer. We will lob six pounders across the bow of the British hornswagglers and have them scuttled before you can say "shiver me timbers".
May 14, 2010 17:46
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Oh decisions decisions.......err....eeny meany miny moe....oh heck...ok...whoever is the biggest plank oops I meant whoever has the biggest plank I shall jump on board, seem fair?
May 14, 2010 18:24
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Dainty; Once I was moored alongside stoker Dodger while we both jettisoned some waste materials. By chance, I glanced over to compare planks, as buccaneers so often do. Normally sailors planks are a great source of pride and displayed openly. However after fruitlessly searching for several minutes I had to resort to using my telescope to find stoker Dodgers plank. I finally spied his incredibly undersized plank which he kept hidden through shame. Not only was it short, it was also extremely thin and hideously ugly. No self respecting lassie would ever walk that plank!

I most definately have the biggest plank so you will be sailing with me. Welcome aboard.
Last edited by BOBERT: May 14, 2010 18:25
May 14, 2010 19:26
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I saw Dodgers plank once as well. Once was enough! It was sagging badly and covered in cobwebs. Obviously it hardly ever gets used in anger.
May 14, 2010 20:48
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Sadly nothing much changes. Show me the boy at seven and I’ll show you the man.
Dainty, Blood and I served together as midshipmen down at Dartmouth many years ago.
He was never any good at knots but his story telling, especially after a tot or three was always entertaining.
The medical term escapes me at the moment, but he always had an ability to exaggerate, and in some cases resorted to downright untruths.
So it doesn’t surprise me to hear that he is up to his usual tricks. Sad really, as underneath, deeply hidden in that now dark heart, was once a bright callow youth, full of hopes and dreams of the future.
Freud did have something to say about men who feel the need to exaggerate.
To put it as delicacy as I can; if Blood was playing in an orchestra, he would be in the piccolo section, and playing with gay abandon, no doubt.
I’m sure that the entire forum awaits your decision with interest, Dainty.
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