Best city for custom leathergoods factories?
Mar 10, 2005 12:26
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I'm seeking craftspeople/producers that can make very high quality custom designed leather luggage. Many people have recommended China as a better choice than Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, etc. but I'm not sure where exactly. Which city would be best for craftshops/small factories that can produce high-end leathergoods in small volumes? I need quality craftsmanship similar to Hermes/LV, etc. NOT looking for replicas, just describing the quality level wanted.

Those I've found online are expensive and require high minimum quantities but I realize that smaller craft businesses tend not to be online so it's best to just plan an extended visit to an area with strong crafts industry & try to locate a suitable firm and hopefully leave with a sample product set. Problem is, which city is the best bet?

Mar 10, 2005 12:31
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Wenzhou, Zhejiang would be a good place.
Also Yiwu in Zhejiang is distributing center for small products, which means u can find all the accessories at low cost.
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