A room for rent in Shanghai needed!!!
Apr 28, 2010 08:27
  • LANK
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Hello everybody!

My friend is coming to visit me in Shanghai and needs a room to stay for one month. I would offer him a room at my place, but since I am participating at Expo, nobody from 'outside' can come to Expo village where I am staying.
I would be veeeeryyyy grateful if you can provide some information or tips where to send him (not to far away from Expo)!
In hostels there are no discounts for long-term staying, so it would be waaay too expensive to stay there for one month.
Please, reply and help me out! Thank you!!!
Apr 28, 2010 08:47
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Erm, I don't want to burst your bubble, but a dorm bed would cost about 50 RMB/day. For a short-term stay (1 month) it would be hard to beat 1500 RMB/month in a decent location, unless you're talking about arrangements like hospitality exchange or house-sitting.
Apr 28, 2010 09:06
GUESTLANK Where exactly can I find the dorm bed? In hostels you hardly get the private double room for cheaper than 150 RMB / day... as far as I'm concerned... Thank you for the explanation!
Apr 28, 2010 09:16
  • LANK
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Hey, ELLYSE! Thank you for the reply!

Did you mean a dorm bed in hostel? Well, I forgot to mention that detail.. he would like to stay in a single private room...
That makes things different, right?
Apr 28, 2010 09:37
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Well, what can I say? Beggars can't be choosers. If he doesn't want to spend that much, then just lower his expectations. That's only sensible and reasonable.
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