How can they do that?
May 1, 2010 22:36
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Pearl Carter, a 72-year-old lady falls in love with her daughter's son Phil Bailey. This couple even hired a surrogate mother at a price of 54,000$US.
Pearl Carter, who was pregnant before marriage, sent her daughter away. Her daughter gave birth to a son, and past away years ago. Then, the orphan Phil tried hard to find his grandma. However, surprisingly they fell in love at the first sight.
Do they legally be joined in marriage? Or do people in your country accept this kind of relationship? I wonder if the parties themselves feel guilty?

May 2, 2010 01:52
Unbelievable! It is no doubt a taboo in modern human history. If it is a real love story, I would believe how powerful the greatness of the first sight love is!
May 2, 2010 06:05
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How old is the son that will marry this old woman
May 2, 2010 19:52
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Phil Bailey is 26 years old! They will have a child very soon.
He looks happy!

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