An exalted moccasin flower
May 9, 2010 00:03
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Did you ever hear of such a thing that a flower is under strict protection by policemen? But a moccasin in bud gets the honor. Moccasin flower is the most precious flower in UK, and the legend goes that it was turned from Venus’ lost shoes in the forest. It was once grew through all the North England but became extinct in 20th century. The last one was found in a Golf land of Lancs, which grows there for more than 100 years.
Six years ago, this plant was “impinged” twice. The criminal cut down the flower and show a clean pair of heels till now. Now, anyone who tends to hurt this flower will be forced to pay the penalty of 5.000 pounds.
It appears every nation takes much count of species protection. Tell us your contributes about this>>.

May 9, 2010 02:04
GUESTJANET Reasonable. I would love to contribute if i can find such a treasure.
Feb 22, 2011 04:34
GUEST50218 I found some as a child in Canada. I picked it, sad to say. I don't see them anymore.
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