Top 10 of Globe 500
May 30, 2010 01:08
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Apple overtook Microsoft this afternoon as the world's most valuable technology company, and the second most valuable US Company behind Exxon Mobil.

Apple shares rose 1.8 percent, giving the company a value of $227.1 billion, as shares of Microsoft fell, which gave the company a market capitalization of $226.3 billion, according to the New York Times.

Where's Google, you wonder? A bit behind, with a market cap value of about $150 billion according to Yahoo Finance. Rounding out the top six, as of March 2010, according to the Financial Times Global 500, are Wal-mart, Berkshire Hathaway, and General Electric.

Among the top 10 companies, there are three from China. CNPC (China National Petroleum Corp) is No.1, ICBC (Industrial & Commercial Bank of China) is No.4 and CMCC (China Mobile Communications Corporation) is No.10.
Jun 18, 2010 02:38
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CNPC and CMCC are two monopoly corporations in China. It is easy for them to accumulate money. ICBC is a state-owned bank. Are there any other non state-owned corporations listed on Top Ten?
Last edited by JIMMYB: Jun 18, 2010 02:39
Jun 18, 2010 04:44
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Originally Posted by JIMMYB

CNPC and CMCC are two monopoly corporations in China. It is easy for them to accumulate money. ICBC is a state-owned bank. Are there any other non state-owned corporations listed on Top Ten?

If non state-owned corporations gets too strong, then china will not be a socialist state any more.
Jun 19, 2010 00:52
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Originally Posted by BAKUI

If non state-owned corporations gets too strong, then china will not be a socialist state any more.

SO, you get the point, non-state owned companies still have a long way to go in China if they want to be in Top list. However, it clarify the truth that the economy of China has a choke point, a blind side.
Jun 19, 2010 01:45
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Originally Posted by GLOOMYSUNDAY

SO, you get the point, non-state owned companies still have a long way to go in China if they want to be in Top list. However, it clarify the truth that the economy of China has a choke point, a blind side.

I dont think you are right. Non-state owned companies can not grow strong enough because they are under charge of the government and the government do not want them to be too strong.This does not mean it is a coke point of Chinese economy.

Only if China is a socialist state, the non state-owned companies would never be strong enough.
Jun 26, 2010 22:03
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Originally Posted by BAKUI

Only if China is a socialist state, the non state-owned companies would never be strong enough.

It has nothing about socialism. What I tried to say is that the state-owned cooporations often monopolize the markets. That's why those private companies can't compete with them.

This isn't good. take the banks for example. Have you ever found out that the service of those state-owned banks are worse than those commercial banks? Those state-owned banks don't worry about bankruptcy because the country support them. Those non-stated-owned banks are different. They don't have supports. If they want to win in the competitions, they hould improve themselves.

Monopoly is no good to the market economy.
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