Vuvazela in World Cup 2010
Jun 13, 2010 22:06
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I think, you must be familiar with this trump if u watched any match of World Cup in South Africa. What do you think of its voice? I am suffering a lot with its noise, like fly hum. Do u think so?
Many fans are critical of it, including some players for they can not concentrate themselves on the match.
Vuvuzela now aroused public anger, there are 200,000 from all over the world ask FIFA for help to quit it. It is difficult to make decision, because stop it now doesn’t respect the nation with their culture. What’s your opinion? Should vuvuzela be abolished?

Jun 13, 2010 22:08
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annoying voice...

Jun 14, 2010 21:06
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I heard this from my friend days ago. It is annoying when I listen to matches through radio. Hope the one in charge will stop it.
Jun 21, 2010 03:14

Originally Posted by RAINDROP

I heard this from my friend days ago. It is annoying when I listen to matches through radio. Hope the one in charge will stop it.

Raindrop, these things can never be stopped. The match is exciting and the fans are excited. They need a way to express themselves. If you watch a match alive, you will experience what I said.

Can you imagine the scene so many people sit formally and watch the match without making any noise in a stadium?

Soccer is full of passion. Without passion, you might just see 22 puppets running on a pitch.
Jun 21, 2010 22:30
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Originally Posted by LONELYJOURNEY

Soccer is full of passion. Without passion, you might just see 22 puppets running on a pitch.

Well, that's right. and it seems there is no chance for stopping it any more. But it is ok if they only use it to express their passion, not wrath.
Jun 22, 2010 02:26

Originally Posted by RAINDROP

Well, that's right. and it seems there is no chance for stopping it any more. But it is ok if they only use it to express their passion, not wrath.

It is ok to express their wrath by using Vuvazela. Otherwise, we might see more hooligans fighting outside the stadium. More seriously, some people might get hurt badly and some will be brought to the police station. This is what I don't want to see.
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