French football players refuse to train in support for Anelka!
Jun 21, 2010 01:56
  • KEVIN0518
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French National Football Team is in mess now. Anelka was sent home from South Africa after refusing to apologies for his verbal attack on France coach Raymond Domenech during half-time in the 2-0 defeat to Mecixo last week.

To support Anelka, the French squad refused to train at their Knysna training camp. By the way, the team made an announcement. In that announcement, they criticized the FFF "which at no time tried to protect the squad".

In return, the FFF has condemned the French team for refusing to train. The content is as follow:

"The French delegation and its president Jean-Pierre Escalettes have noted with dismay the refusal of the French players to participate in training today. This action is an unacceptable consequence of the eviction of Nicolas Anelka which they feel is injustice. Contrary to what the players said, this sanction was taken following a long conversation with the person in the presence of the captain.”

In the meantime, French squad seems to have no chance to advance to next round of 16 unless they beat South Africa and Uruguay and Mexico don't draw in the other Group A match. In previous two matches, France drew 0-0 with Uruguay and then lost 2-0 to Mexico. The results weren’t like a top football team could have made.
Jun 21, 2010 02:14
  • KEVIN0518
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Here is a funny thing about French squad. Just for fun and don't take it seriously.

Mr. Juseleeno, a famous Brazilian predictor, gives his own prediction over 2010 World Cup. According to his prediction, Brazil will win the championship. Germany will take the second place. The forth is England. Who will take the THIRD place? FRANCE.

Now it seems that his prediction isn’t accurate because France is very likely to go home very soon due to their bad performances. If France failed to advance to the next round, all people in the world should thank French squad. Why? They sacrifice themselves to prove that Juseleeno wasn’t right.

Read Mr. Juseleeno’s predictions from 2010 to 2043 and then you will understand why we should thank France.

First one: I have told you. It is about the 2010 World Cup.
Second: He predicts that 80 percent of the minor planets that we have found will hit the Earth.
Last but most horrible one: In 2043, around 80 percent people on the earth will die due to a serious catastrophe.

Some netizens said that they would believe that 2010 is the end of the Earth if France could win the third place at 2010 World Cup.
Jun 21, 2010 02:18
  • KEVIN0518
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PS: It is said that Mr. Juseleeno once had warned 911 Terrorist Attack and Indonesia Tsunami.
Jun 22, 2010 01:54
This accident has been known to French president Sarkozy. He made a call with France's Sport and Health Minister and asked her to extend her stay in South Africa. The purpose is to solve the turmoil. Now, France is back to training pitch.

Bad News: Anelka has announced that he will resgin from French National Soccer Team forever.

Although French footballers are back to training pitch, I don't think they will perform very well during their last game (probably). Their anger hasn't gone yet.
Jun 22, 2010 02:11
And I've also heard that Zidane is the cause of the turmoil. He once talked with the captain of the French team on a phone. They both think that the coach made great mistakes. Then Zidane suggested that they should protest against the coach and ask him to change his strategies. However, the coach didn't do as they said. Four years ago, Zidane and some other French footballers made the same suggestion to Raymond Domenech. He accepted and France advanced to the final of 2006 Germany World Cup.

Anyway, French national team has lost their face due to the turmoil. Just hope that they can do their best to finish their last game. Even they can advance to the next round, I don't think they can go further.

By the way, it is said that Italy seems to be in trouble too. The relationship between Lippi and his football players is not good. The players are not satisfied with the results of previous two games. They think that Lippi made the same mistake like the French Coach.
Jun 22, 2010 20:24
  • KEVIN0518
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Lonelyjourney, FFF yesterday said that it was some old football players who encouraged other players not to train. FFF claimed that Gallas, Abidal and Henry were involved.

I don’t believe that Henry was involved in the scandal. It is his last performance on behalf of French national squad. I guess that he also hopes that he can retire perfectly. But his dream wasn’t realized. During their last battle, Henry was still on the bench in the first half. In the second half, he appeared on the pitch with fans’ applause. Well, he was not the hero and France finally ended their journey in South Africa.
Jun 22, 2010 20:34
  • KEVIN0518
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Last night, I watched the game between France and South Africa. After South Africa scored two goals, France might have already known that they will lose the game.

Time to Say Goodbye, France. Don't want to see France's tragedy happens on other teams again.

Jun 26, 2010 20:52
Kevin, you must have known that Italy was out too. I watched that game with my colleague. In the first half, I firmly hoped that Italy should get back home as soon as they could. They did many tricks and got several yellow cards. Their actions didn't show that they were the champions at last World Cup.

In the second half, I should say that they have done a very good job. Unfortunately, they failed to advance to next round of 16. I saw one player lying on the pitch and crying sadly. When the match is over, Slovakia‘s coach tried to shake hands with Lippi but failed. Lippi refused to shake hands with him and directly went back to the dressing room.

At the news conference, Lippi said that he was responsible for Italy's failure. He was correct. He is too stubborn to accept other people's advice. He believes that he has chosen the best footballers in Italy and they will realize his goal. The fact proves that he was wrong. Some talented players like Totti and Cassano were not able to join the national football squad.

Lippi proved he was wrong with Italy’s failure.

Buffon, one of the best goal keepers in the world, said: “Italy should get back home. We are not qualified to advance to next round if we can’t defeat New Zealand and Slovakia.”

Look at Lippi. He was so embarrassed at the news conference.

Jun 26, 2010 21:05
Updates on French’s turmoil:
The president of the FFF (French Football Federation) has been forced to resign. All French footballers didn’t get any bonus. Henry did have a conversation with French president but he refused to disclose anything about his talk with the president.

Anelka has signed a one-year contract with Chelsea. It is sure that he will play for Chelsea till 2012. Also, Anelka was innocent. According Henry and Maloude, Anelka did make some complaints but he didn’t abuse his coach verbally. The media was irresponsible.

However, we still don’t know who released “dressing room accident” to the media although the French president has ordered to investigate this matter.
Jun 26, 2010 21:17
By the way, Uruguay defeated South Korea 2 :1 last night. Bravo!

Honestly saying, I don't like South Korea. At 2002 World Cup, they got fourth place but they didn't win the games fairly. See, South Korea was the host of 2002 World Cup. The referees knew this clearly. If you watched the games between South Korea and Italy/South Korea and Spain, you would have known how stupid the referees were. They obviously favored South Korea. With the help of the referees, South Korea successfully advanced to the semi-finals.

Now we have clearly seen South Korea's capabilities.
Jun 27, 2010 21:45
  • KEVIN0518
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Lonely, I don't like South Korea either. Just win the games with your capability.

I don't want to blame Lippi. He has his ways of directing his team. If I remeber it correctly, he refuses to use those talented footballers because he believes that too many stars will bring adverse effects to the team. He has his reason. If you pay attention to Portugal, you will notice that Cristinano Ronaldo is definitely the biggest star. When Portugal played against Brazil, he played badly in the first half. Every time he got the ball, he just shot and didn't cooperate with his teammates. If I was his teammate, I would not give the ball to him next time. See, this is the side-effect of using big stars. In the second, he changed and cooperated with his teammates.

Talking about this, Germany is a good example. Their cooperation was so perfect last night. They don't have well-known footballers but they cooperated very well. Just recall the scene they scored the goals. The players didn't shoot the goal directly but gave the ball to his teammate who was in the best position to shoot. Very good.

But you have to depend on those stars sometimes. Their personal capability is very important sometimes. Lippi used Pirlo in the second half during their last game. See, it was effective. If he could change his mind in the first half, the results might have been changed.
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