a Z visa dilemma!
Jun 21, 2010 07:37
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Wondering if anyone can give me advice on this -
I'm on a Z visa in Suzhou which will expire soon. At the moment I am back in my native Ireland on holiday and I am due to fly back to China next week. I want to apply for a tourist visa for the summer, but I am worried that I won't be given permission to enter back into China with only two weeks left on my working visa.
Any comments appreciated!
Jun 22, 2010 03:00
GUESTGUILIN ... If you have 2 weeks left, you have 2 weeks left. They will let you in.

Do NOT get a new tourist visa. Extending your normal work visa is much easier than getting a completely new work visa after you changed to a tourist one. They might even ask you to leave the country and re-enter to get the visa.
Jun 23, 2010 11:23
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If you are coming back to work you can extend your Residency Permit based on your Z visa and a new contract. If you are just coming back for a holiday then you probably should apply for a visa for the length of your intended holiday if you are not planning to remain in China afterwards.

The NEW policy as of June 1st 2010.

Residency Permits will only be issued to holders of Z visas for the purpose of work.
If you have entered the country on an L visa(tourist) or X visa(student) and wish to stay in China to work you will have to return home first and apply for your Z visa.

If you are currently working but have never held a Z visa you will also be asked to leave to apply for one.

How do I know this? The last time I entered China was on a student visa (x). I was then issued my Residency Permit for one year. At the completion of one year of study I found a new job and was given another Residency Permit for one year. I'm staying in the same job and didn't think there was going to be any problems with extending my Residency Permit but............alas I do not have Z visa in my current passport.

I have been told that if I can produce a Z visa issued any time in the past, my Residency Permit will be renewed. I'm now waiting for my old passport to arrive from home as it is full of Z visas.

We shall see how things go from here.

Please note that the Residency Permit is not a visa. So check your passport to be sure that you have a Z visa and a current Residency Permit.

I'm sure that there are many more expats who have entered on L visas who now have Residency Permits but no Z visa so don't assume that you will get an extension. If you have never been issued a Z visa from your country of origin then you are likely to be asked to leave and get one.

Going to Hongkong and Macau has also been ruled out. We have been making inquiries on behalf of other staff members with our company.

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